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Organizations relating to Biosciences

International Society of Hematology / Istanbul, Türkiye / Est. 1946
International Society for Chronobiology / Vigo, Spain / Est. 1937
OWLS Society / Hannover, Germany / Est. 1990
International Society for Nomenclature of Paediatric and Congenital Heart Disease / Est. 2000
Latin American Association of Environmental Mutagens, Carcinogens and Teratogens / Montevideo, Uruguay / Est. 1980
International Society on Metabolic Eye Diseases / Est. 1971
European Federation of Parasitologists / Dublin, Ireland / Est. 1966
Histiocyte Society / Pitman NJ, USA / Est. 1985
Latin American Federation of Parasitologists / Guayaquil, Ecuador / Est. 1963
International Society of Medical Doctors for Biophysical Information Therapy / Freiburg, Germany / Est. 1980
Latin American Society on Biomaterials, Artificial Organs and Tissue Engineering / Est. 1998
International Academy of Human Reproduction / Kiel, Germany / Est. 1974
Asociación Latinoamericana de Odontologia Restauradora y Biomateriales / Lima, Peru / Est. 1996
European Society for Mycobacteriology / Borstel, Germany / Est. 1980
Society for Low Temperature Biology / Est. 1964
Sociedad de Biofisicos Latinoamericanos / Bethesda MD, USA
European Macrophage and Dendritic Cell Society / Innsbruck, Austria / Est. 1992
Pan American Association of Anatomy / Est. 1966
European Red Cell Society / Est. 1978
International Cell Research Organization / Pittsburgh PA, USA / Est. 1962
European Microbeam Analysis Society / São Mamede de Infesta e Senhora da Hora, Portugal / Est. 1987
Sociedad Iberoamericana para el Desarrollo de las Biorrefinarias / Lisbon, Portugal
Sports Union for athletes with Down Syndrome
Scandinavian Society for Biomaterials / Oslo, Norway / Est. 2008
International Commission on Biological Effects of Noise / The Hague, Netherlands / Est. 1968
IUBS Commission for Biological Education / Orsay, France / Est. 1977
International Research Group on Biochemistry of Exercise / Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium / Est. 1968
International Plant Growth Substances Association / Est. 1970
International Scientific Committee for Tuna and Tuna-like Species in the North Pacific Ocean / Shizuoka, Japan / Est. 1995
Biosciences Eastern and Central Africa / Nairobi, Kenya
International Symposium for Fish Parasitology / Est. 1983
European Forest Genetic Resources Programme / Barcelona, Spain / Est. 1994
International Organization of Plant Biosystematists / Bratislava, Slovakia / Est. 1960
International Bryozoology Association / Christchurch, New Zealand / Est. 1965
Metabolic Syndrome Institute / Est. 2003
International Organization of Palaeobotany / Dresden, Germany / Est. 1954
Estudio Colaborativo Latino Americano de Malformaciones Congénitas / Buenos Aires, Argentina / Est. 1967
SEAMEO TROPMED Regional Centre for Public Health, Hospital Administration, Environmental and Occupational Health / Manila, Philippines
European Chromosome 11 Network / Bockenem, Germany / Est. 1997
Forest Invasive Species Network for Africa / Zomba, Malawi / Est. 2004
BioTrade Initiative / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1996
International Society for Environmental Biogeochemistry / Knoxville TN, USA / Est. 2009
Global Partnership for Results-Based Approaches / Washington DC, USA / Est. 2003
International Institute of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering
International Society for Subsurface Microbiology / Boulder CO, USA
International Metabolic Engineering Society / New York NY, USA
European Life Sciences Forum / Est. 1999
UNESCO Regional Network for Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology in Southeast Asia / Pathum Thani, Thailand / Est. 1974
Biofeedback Foundation of Europe / London, UK / Est. 1997
Budapest Union for the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1977

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