Global Civil Society & the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Climate Action

Every person, in every country in every continent will be impacted in some shape or form by climate change. There is a climate cataclysm looming, and we are underprepared for what this could mean.

Climate change is caused by human activities and threatens life on earth as we know it. With rising greenhouse gas emissions, climate change is occurring at rates much faster than anticipated. Its impacts can be devastating and include extreme and changing weather patterns and rising sea levels.

If left unchecked, climate change will undo a lot of the development progress made over the past years. It will also provoke mass migrations that will lead to instability and wars.

To limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre- industrial levels, emissions must already be decreasing and need to be cut by almost half by 2030, just seven years away. But, we are drastically off track from this target.

Urgent and transformative going beyond mere plans and promises are crucial. It requires raising ambition, covering entire economies and moving towards climate-resilient development, while outlining a clear path to achieve net-zero emissions. Immediate measures are necessary to avoid catastrophic consequences and secure a sustainable future for generations to come.

Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II

Institute for European Energy and Climate Policy

IEECP 2015 Amsterdam Netherlands J

Institute for Geopolitical Research and Development

INGRED 2011 Antwerp Belgium F f

Institute for Infrastructure, Environment and Innovation

IMIEU 1999 Brussels Belgium J

Institute for Research on World Systems

IROWS 2000 Riverside CA USA G j

Institute for Social and Environmental Transition–International

ISET-International 1997 Boulder CO USA F

Institute of International Exchange

Bucharest Romania G

Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change


Instituto Centroamericano de Estudios Fiscales

ICEFI 2005 Guatemala Guatemala D j

Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium

IAMC 2007 Venice Italy C y

Integrated Carbon Observation System

ICOS 2008 Helsinki Finland E

Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies

INEE 2000 New York NY USA F y

Inter-American Committee on Natural Disaster Reduction

IACNDR 1999 Washington DC USA E g

Inter-American Convention to Facilitate Disaster Assistance

1991 Washington DC USA T g

Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research

IAI 1992 Montevideo Uruguay E gj

Inter-Parliamentary Union

IPU 1889 Geneva Switzerland B y

Inter-State Commission for Water Coordination of Central Asia

ICWC 1992 Tashkent Uzbekistan E g

InterAction Council

IAC 1983 Toronto ON Canada F v

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

IPCC 1988 Geneva Switzerland E g

International Academies of Emergency Dispatch

IAED 1988 Salt Lake City UT USA G

International Advertising Association

IAA 1938 New York NY USA B y

International Agri-Food Network

IAFN 1996 F y

International Air Transport Association

IATA 1945 Geneva Switzerland B y

International Airlines Travel Agent Network

IATAN Montréal QC Canada G

International Alert

1986 London UK F

International Alliance of Women

IAW 1902 Cointrin Switzerland B

International Arid Lands Consortium

IALC 1989 Tucson AZ USA G

International Association for Agricultural Sustainability

IAAS 2017 Singapore Singapore D

International Association for Continuing Engineering Education

IACEE 1989 Atlanta GA USA B y

International Association for Ecology

INTECOL 1967 Auckland New Zealand B y

International Association for Green Energy

IAGE Waterloo ON Canada J

International Association for Promoting Geoethics

IAPG 2012 Rome Italy C

International Association for Research in Economic Psychology

IAREP 1982 Leeds UK D

International Association for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products

1995 Brussels Belgium D yt

International Association for Society and Natural Resources

IASNR 2001 Syracuse NY USA D

International Association for Suicide Prevention

IASP 1960 Washington DC USA C y

International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges

IAAI 2007 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee Austria D

International Association for Urban Climate

IAUC 2000 D

International Association of Advanced Materials

IAAM 2010 Ulrika Sweden C

International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators

IAATO 1991 Kingston RI USA D

International Association of Applied Psychology

IAAP 1920 Indianapolis IN USA B v

International Association of Biological Oceanography

IABO 1966 St Petersburg FL USA C

International Association of Broadcast Meteorology

IABM 1994 New Milton UK C

International Association of Cryospheric Sciences

IACS 2007 Edinburgh UK D

International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners


International Association of Emergency Managers

IAEM 1952 Falls Church VA USA G

International Association of EMTs and Paramedics


International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy

IAGA 1919 Potsdam Germany B

International Association of Geomorphologists

IAG 1989 Selbu Norway B y

International Association of Hand Papermakers and Paper Artists

IAPMA 1986 C

International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers

HFIAW 1903 Lanham MD USA G
