Global Civil Society & the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries

Reduced inequalities

Inequality threatens long-term social and economic development, harms poverty reduction and destroys people’s sense of fulfillment and self-worth.

The incomes of the poorest 40 per cent of the population had been growing faster than the national average in most countries. But emerging yet inconclusive evidence suggests that COVID-19 may have put a dent in this positive trend of falling within-country inequality.

The pandemic has caused the largest rise in between-country inequality in three decades. Reducing both within- and between-country inequality requires equitable resource distribution, investing in education and skills development, implementing social protection measures, combating discrimination, supporting marginalized groups and fostering international cooperation for fair trade and financial systems.

Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II


Amsterdam Netherlands F y

Goodwill Industries International

GII 1902 Rockville MD USA G

Governance and Social Development Resource Centre

GSDRC 2001 Birmingham UK G

GPF Europe

2004 Bonn Germany E

Graduate Women International

GWI 1919 Châtelaine Switzerland B

Grameen Bank

GB 1983 Dhaka Bangladesh F

Grameen Foundation

GF 1997 Washington DC USA F f

Grameen Global Network

GGN Dhaka Bangladesh K

Grameen Trust

GT 1989 Dhaka Bangladesh F

Grassroots Global Justice Alliance

GGJ 2005 Miami FL USA G y

Grassroots International

GI 1983 Boston MA USA G

Gray Panthers Project Fund

1970 Washington DC USA G f

Greater Arab Free-Trade Area

GAFTA 1998 Cairo Egypt F gt

Greek Committee for International Democratic Solidarity

EEDDA 1981 Athens Greece G

Greening of Industry Network

GIN 1991 Enschede Netherlands F t


1976 Nogent-sur-Marne France G

Grey Sisters of the Immaculate Conception

GSIC 1926 Pembroke ON Canada R

Group for International Solidarity

GRINSO 1990 Kathmandu Nepal G

Group of Latin American and Caribbean States

E g

Group of Nine

F g

Group of States Against Corruption

Strasbourg France E g

Group of the European People's Party

Strasbourg France F v

Group of the European People's Party - Christian Democrats

EPP 1953 Brussels Belgium F v

Group of the European People's Party in the Committee of the Regions

EPP-CoR 1994 Brussels Belgium E

Group of Three

G-3 1990 Geneva Switzerland F g

Group on Earth Observations

GEO 2005 Geneva Switzerland F g

Groupe européen de pastorale ouvrière

GEPO 1972 Assesse Belgium E

Grow Up Free from Poverty Coalition

2001 Liskeard UK G y

Grupo Cooperativo Iberoamericano de Medicina Transfusional

GCIAMT Guatemala Guatemala D

Grupo Cooperativo Latinoamericano de Hemostasia y Trombosis

Grupo CLAHT 1973 D

Grupo de Enlace, Investigación y Soporte de Enfermedades Raras de Latino America

Fundación GEISER 2002 Mendoza Argentina F f

Grupo Mercado Común del MERCOSUR

GMC Buenos Aires Argentina K g

Gruppo Abele

1965 Turin Italy G

Guidelines International Network

GIN 2002 Pitlochry UK F y

Gulf Health Council

GHC 1976 Riyadh Saudi Arabia F g

Hague Appeal for Peace

HAP 1996 New York NY USA E

HAI Africa

Nairobi Kenya E

Halcrow Foundation

2005 London UK J f

Hand in Hand International

HiH International 2006 London UK F

Hands to Hearts International

HHI 2004 Portland OR USA G

Harriman Institute

1946 New York NY USA N j

HCV Network Ltd

HCV Network 2006 Oxford UK F y

HeadWaters International

HWI Minneapolis MN USA G e

Healey International Relief Foundation

HealeyIRF 2001 Cherry Hill NJ USA G f

Health and Development International

HDI 1990 Fjellstrand Norway G

Health In Harmony

HIH Portland OR USA J

Health Oceans, Healthy People


Health Poverty Action

HPA 1984 London UK G

Health Volunteers Overseas

HVO 1986 Washington DC USA G


1981 Ottawa ON Canada G f
