Group of the European People's Party - Christian Democrats (EPP)
Groupe du Parti Populaire Européen - Démocrates-chrétiens (PPE)
Grupo del Partido Popular Europeo - Demócrata-Cristianos (PPE)
Fraktion der Europäischen Volkspartei - Christdemokraten (EVP)
Grupo do Partido Popular Europeu - Democratas-Cristãos (PPE)
Gruppo del Partito Popolare Europeo - Democratici Cristiano (PPE)
Fractie van de Europese Volkspartij - Christen-democraten (EVP)
Det Europaeiske Folkepartis Gruppe - Kristelige Demokrater (EPP)
Euroopan Kansanpuolueen Rhymä - Kristillisdemokraatit (EPP)
Poslanecky Klub Evropské Lidové Strany - Krest'anskych Demokrat (ELS)
Poslanecky Klub Evrópske l'Udovej Strany - Krest'anskych Demokratov (ELS)
Klub Zastupnika Europske Pucke Stranke - Krscanski Demokrati (EPP)
Poslanska Skupina Evropske Ljudske Stranke - Krscanskih Demokratov (ELS)
Európai Néppart - Kereszténydemokratak - Képviselócsoport (EPP)
Grupa Europejskiej Partii Ludowej - Chrzexcijanscy Demokraci (EPL)
Euroopa Rahvapartei - Kristlike Demokraatide Fraktsioon (ERP)
Eiropas Tautas Partijas - Kristigie Demokrati (ETP)
Europos Liaudies Partijos - Krikscioniu Demokratu (ELP)
Grupp tal-Partit Popolari Ewropew - Dokristjani (PPE)
Grupul Partidului Popular European - Crestin Democrat (PPE)
Grúpa Phairti an Phobail Eorpaigh - Na Daonlathaithe Criostai (PPE)
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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).
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More detailed data available with paid subscription.
Available with paid subscription only.Aims
Bring together centre and centre-right pro-European political forces from the member states of the European Union; advance the goal of a more competitive and democratic Europe, closer to its citizens, and a social market economy.
8 past events available with paid subscription only.Activities
Available with paid subscription only.Structure
Available with paid subscription only.Languages
Available with paid subscription only.Staff
Available with paid subscription only.Finance
Available with paid subscription only.Relations with Inter-Governmental Organizations
Cooperates with: E-XE3088 - European Committee of the Regions (CoR); D-XD0435 - Council of Europe (CE); Parliaments of the 27 member states of the European Union.
Relations with Non-Governmental Organizations
Cooperates with: U-XG9564 - African Foundation; F-XF0266 - Centrist Democrat International (CDI); D-XD0264 - Christian Democratic Organization of America; F-XF3422 - Robert Schuman Foundation for Cooperation among Christian Democrats in Europe (RSF); F-XF6414 - European People's Party (EPP); D-XD1966 - European Union of Christian Democratic Workers (EUCDW); E-XE2794 - Youth of the European People's Party (YEPP). Links with: E-XD2142 - EPP Women; D-XD4591 - European Democrat Students (EDS); E-XJ4768 - European Ideas Network (EIN); E-XE2492 - European Seniors' Union (ESU); D-XD1966 - European Union of Christian Democratic Workers (EUCDW); E-XE2123 - Group of the European People's Party in the Committee of the Regions (EPP-CoR); E-XJ8419 - Small and Medium Entrepreneurs Europe (SME Europe); E-XJ1823 - Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies (Martens Centre).
Available with paid subscription only.Members
Available with paid subscription only.Type I Classification
Available with paid subscription only.Type II Classification
Available with paid subscription only.Subjects *
UN Sustainable Development Goals **
** UN SDGs are linked to the subject classification.
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