Global Civil Society & the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries

Reduced inequalities

Inequality threatens long-term social and economic development, harms poverty reduction and destroys people’s sense of fulfillment and self-worth.

The incomes of the poorest 40 per cent of the population had been growing faster than the national average in most countries. But emerging yet inconclusive evidence suggests that COVID-19 may have put a dent in this positive trend of falling within-country inequality.

The pandemic has caused the largest rise in between-country inequality in three decades. Reducing both within- and between-country inequality requires equitable resource distribution, investing in education and skills development, implementing social protection measures, combating discrimination, supporting marginalized groups and fostering international cooperation for fair trade and financial systems.

Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II

Foundation for Grassroots Initiatives in Africa

GrassRootsAfrica 2002 Accra Ghana G f

Foundation for Solidarity and Peace 'Serafin Aliaga'

Madrid Spain G f

Foundation for the Support of International Medical Training

FSIMT 1960 Niagara Falls NY USA G f

Foundation for the Support of the United Nations

FSUN 1988 New York NY USA G f

Foundation for the Welfare and Education of Asian People

FWEAP 1969 Tokyo Japan G f

Foundation Max van der Stoel

FMS 2013 The Hague Netherlands G f

Foundation of the Peoples of the South Pacific International

FSPI 1989 F fy

Fourth World General Council

1980 Swindon UK F

Framework Agreement on BIMSTEC Free Trade Area

2004 T g

France-Pays Arabes

1967 Paris France N

Franciscans International

FI 1985 Geneva Switzerland F

Frank Foundation Child Assistance International

FFCAI 1999 G f

Fraternité des Missionnaires de Sainte-Thérèse de l'Enfant-Jésus

1947 Bassac France R

Frederick Mulder Foundation


Free and Fair Post Initiative

FFPI 2000 Brussels Belgium F

Free to Run

2014 Mystic CT USA F

Free Trade Europa

Stockholm Sweden J t


fD 2005 New York NY USA G

Freedom from Debt Coalition

FDC 1988 Quezon City Philippines G

Freehearts Africa Reach out Foundation

FAROF 2011 Kaduna Nigeria G


FES 1925 Bonn Germany G f

FRIEND / Hindu Kush-Himalayan

HKH-FRIEND 1996 Kathmandu Nepal K g

Friendly Favors

FF 1999 Martinez CA USA N

Friends and Partners

1994 N

Friends of Vellore

FOV Bury St Edmunds UK G

Frontline AIDS

1993 Brighton UK F

FSD Africa

2012 Nairobi Kenya F

Fund for Global Human Rights

2003 Washington DC USA G f

Fundação Gonçalo da Silveira

FGS 2004 Lisbon Portugal G f

Fundació Pau i Solidaritat - CCOO de Catalunya

1991 Barcelona Spain G f

Fundación América Solidaria

1998 Santiago Chile F f

Fundación Anesvad

1968 Bilbao Spain G

Fundación CIDEAL de Cooperación e Investigación

1983 Madrid Spain G f

Fundación Comunidad Esperanza y Justicia Internacional

FUNCEJI 2007 J f

Fundación Europea Sociedad y Educación

SE Madrid Spain G f

Fundación Internacional de Apoyo al Desarrollo Local y Social

FIADELSO 1992 Valencia Spain G f

Fundación Internacional de Solidaridad Compañia de Maria

FISC 1995 Madrid Spain F f

Fundación Latinoamericana por los Derechos Humanos y el Desarrollo Social

FUNDALATIN 1978 Caracas Venezuela F f

Fundación para la Aplicación y Enseñanza de las Ciencias

FUNDAEC 1974 Cali Colombia G f

Fundación Pro Humanae Vitae

FPHV 1995 La Plata Argentina G f

Fundación Promoción Social

1987 Madrid Spain G f

Fundación Red Deporte y Cooperación

Fundación Red Deporte 1999 Madrid Spain G f

Fundacja TechSoup

2009 Warsaw Poland F f

Future Africa Forum

Nairobi Kenya F

Future in Our Hands

FIOH 1974 Swindon UK F

G20 Interfaith Forum Association

IF20 2014 Washington DC USA E c

Game Theory Society

GTS 1999 C

Gandhi Centre for the Service of Life and Humanity

1975 Brussels Belgium G

garagErasmus Foundation

garagErasmus 2012 Milan Italy F fy

Garapen Bidean - Human Rights and Development

Vitoria-Gasteiz Spain G
