Global Civil Society & the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

Industries, Innovation & Infrastructure

Goal 9 seeks to build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.

Economic growth, social development and climate action are heavily dependent on investments in infrastructure, sustainable industrial development and technological progress. In the face of a rapidly changing global economic landscape and increasing inequalities, sustained growth must include industrialization that first of all, makes opportunities accessible to all people, and second, is supported by innovation and resilient infrastructure.

Even before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, global manufacturing – considered an engine of overall economic growth – has been steadily declining due to tariffs and trade tensions. The manufacturing decline caused by the pandemic has further caused serious impacts on the global economy.

This is primarily due to high inflation, energy price shocks, persistent disruptions in the supply of raw materials and intermediate goods, and global economic deceleration.

While LDCs in Asia have made considerable progress, African LDCs would need to change the current trajectory and accelerate progress significantly to attain the target by 2030. However, medium-high and high-technology industries demonstrated robust growth rates.

Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II

World Geospatial Industry Council

WGIC 2018 The Hague Netherlands C t

World Green Building Council

WorldGBC 1999 Toronto ON Canada E

World Green Infrastructure Network

WGIN 2008 F

World Habitat

1976 Leicester UK G f

World Health Innovation Summit

WHIS Carlisle UK J

World Health Organization

WHO 1946 Geneva Switzerland B g

World Historic and Cultural Canal Cities Cooperation Organization

WCCO 2009 Yangzhou China C y

World Hovercraft Federation

WHF Remanzacco Italy D

World Information Transfer

WIT 1986 New York NY USA F

World Institute for Engineering and Technology Education

WIETE Melbourne VIC Australia C j

World Insulation and Acoustics Congress Organization


World Intellectual Property Organization

WIPO 1967 Geneva Switzerland B g

World Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional Research

WINIR 2013 Coventry UK F

World Iodine Association

WIA Brussels Belgium D yt

World Maritime Technology Congress

WMTC 2003 J c

World Maritime University

WMU 1983 Malmö Sweden E y

World Meteorological Organization

WMO 1947 Geneva Switzerland B g

World Mountain People Association

WMPA 2001 Paris France C

World Mycotoxin Forum

WMF 2001 Bilthoven Netherlands F c

World Natural Health Organization

WNHO 1983 Burlington WA USA G

World Nuclear Transport Institute

WNTI 1998 London UK E j

World Ocean and Cruise Liner Society

WOCLS 1980 Stamford CT USA N

World Organization for Early Childhood Education

OMEP 1948 Buenos Aires Argentina C y

World Organization of Building Officials

WOBO 1984 Cincinnati OH USA D

World Organization of Dredging Associations

WODA 1967 Delft Netherlands E y

World Organization of Funeral Operatives

FIAT-IFTA 1970 Lelystad Netherlands B

World Organization of the Scout Movement

WOSM 1907 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia B

World ORT

WO 1880 London UK C

World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies

WOCAT 1992 Bern Switzerland K

World Packaging Organisation

WPO 1968 Vienna Austria C y

World Paint and Coatings Industry Association

WPCIA 1976 J t

World PCO Alliance

2009 Tokyo Japan D

World Plastics Council

WPC 2014 Washington DC USA C y

World Plumbing Council

WPC 1990 B

World Ports Seminar

1982 S c

World Processing Tomato Council

WPTC 1998 Avignon France D

World Puja

1998 Yalaha FL USA N

World Reference Laboratory for Foot and Mouth Diseases

WRLFMD 1958 Pirbright UK G

World Relief Refugee Services

WRRS Baltimore MD USA G

World Renew

1962 Burlington ON Canada G

World Resources Forum Association

WRFA 2012 St Gallen Switzerland E y

World Road Association

PIARC 1909 Paris La Défense France B y

World Sailing

1907 London UK B y

World Schools Debating Championships

WSDC 1988 Ascot UK E

World Shiology Forum

WSF 2017 Beijing China J

World Ship Society

WSS 1947 Mitcham UK F

World Ship Trust

1979 London UK N f

World Silambam Association

WSA 1999 Petaling Jaya Malaysia G

World Society for Transport and Land Use Research

WSTLUR Montréal QC Canada C

World Society of Sustainable Energy Technologies

WSSET 2002 Nottingham UK C
