Global Civil Society & the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 2: Zero Hunger

Zero Hunger

Goal 2 is about creating a world free of hunger by 2030.The global issue of hunger and food insecurity has shown an alarming increase since 2015, a trend exacerbated by a combination of factors including the pandemic, conflict, climate change, and deepening inequalities.

By 2022, approximately 735 million people – or 9.2% of the world’s population – found themselves in a state of chronic hunger – a staggering rise compared to 2019. This data underscores the severity of the situation, revealing a growing crisis.

In addition, an estimated 2.4 billion people faced moderate to severe food insecurity in 2022. This classification signifies their lack of access to sufficient nourishment. This number escalated by an alarming 391 million people compared to 2019.

The persistent surge in hunger and food insecurity, fueled by a complex interplay of factors, demands immediate attention and coordinated global efforts to alleviate this critical humanitarian challenge.

Extreme hunger and malnutrition remains a barrier to sustainable development and creates a trap from which people cannot easily escape. Hunger and malnutrition mean less productive individuals, who are more prone to disease and thus often unable to earn more and improve their livelihoods.

2 billion people in the world do not have regular access to safe, nutritious and sufficient food. In 2022, 148 million children had stunted growth and 45 million children under the age of 5 were affected by wasting.

Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II

Federación Latinoamericana de Ciudades, Municipios y Asociaciones de Gobiernos Locales

FLACMA 1981 Mexico City Mexico D

Federación Panamericana de Lecheria

FEPALE 1991 Montevideo Uruguay D

Fédération internationale de SAMBO

FIAS 1984 Lausanne Switzerland C

Fédération Internationale des Jardins Familiaux

1926 Luxembourg Luxembourg D

Fédération Internationale Sport pour Tous

FISpT 1982 Manama Bahrain B

Federation of African Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture and Professions

ACCIP 2005 Cairo Egypt D t

Federation of African Medical Students' Associations

FAMSA 1968 Ibadan Nigeria D

Federation of African Nutrition Societies

FANUS Nsukka Nigeria D

Federation of Asian Nutrition Societies

FANS 1971 Tokyo Japan D

Federation of European Aquaculture Producers

FEAP 1968 Brussels Belgium D t

Federation of European Microbiological Societies

FEMS 1974 Delft Netherlands D y

Federation of European National Statistical Societies

FENStatS Luxembourg Luxembourg D

Federation of European Nutrition Societies

FENS 1979 London UK D

Federation of European Societies of Plant Biology

FESPB 1978 Rome Italy D

Federation of GCC Chambers

FGCCC 1979 Dammam Saudi Arabia D

Federation of Institutes of Food Science and Technology in ASEAN

FIFSTA Bangkok Thailand D

Federation of International Societies for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition

FISPGHAN Cincinnati OH USA D y

Feed My Starving Children

FMSC 1987 Coon Rapids MN USA G

Feed the Children

1979 Oklahoma City OK USA G


1995 Brussels Belgium F

FIAN International

1986 Heidelberg Germany F

FinMark Trust

FMT 2002 Midrand South Africa F f

Finn Church Aid

FCA 1947 Helsinki Finland G f

Fish Health Section of the Asian Fisheries Society

FHS 1987 Serdang Malaysia K v

Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic

CECAF 1967 Accra Ghana E g

Fly Fishers International

FFI 1965 Livingston MT USA J

Folkekirkens Nødhjaelp

FKN 1922 Copenhagen Denmark G f

Fondation Paul Gérin-Lajoie

1977 Montréal QC Canada G f

Fondation pour l'agriculture et la ruralité dans le monde

FARM 2004 Montrouge France G f

Fondation TerrEspoir

1996 Bussigny Switzerland G f

Fondazione Marista per la Solidarietà Internazionale Onlus

2007 Rome Italy F f

Fondo Regional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria

FONTAGRO 1998 Washington DC USA F fg

Food Aid Convention, 1986

FAC 1986 T g

Food Aid Convention, 1995

1994 T g

Food Aid Convention, 1999

FAC 1999 T g

Food and Agricultural Research Management

FARM-Africa 1985 London UK G

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

FAO 1945 Rome Italy B g

Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and Pacific Region

FFTC 1970 Taipei Taiwan E g

Food and Land Use Coalition

FOLU 2017 J y

Food and Trees for Africa

FTFA 1990 Johannesburg South Africa G

Food Assistance Committee

FAC 2013 London UK E g

Food Assistance Convention

2012 T g

Food Basket Foundation International

FBFI 1988 Ibadan Nigeria G

Food Distribution Research Society

FDRS 1967 Starkville MS USA N

Food Export Association of the Midwest USA

1969 Chicago IL USA G

Food for Life Global

FFL 1995 Wilmington DE USA E

Food for the Hungry

fh 1971 Phoenix AZ USA F f

Food for the Poor

FFP 1982 Coconut Creek FL USA G

Food Industry Asia

FIA 2010 Singapore Singapore D t

Food Institute

FI 1928 Elmwood Park NJ USA N j
