The original intention was to produce an online prototype, which would demonstrate online features of the product/service and mimic offline features available to users of the CD-ROM. However, following the Commission's recommendation to prepare an offline demonstration, it was decided to produce a CD-ROM prototype of the product, which could additionally mimic its online capabilities. Formatting the data for CD-ROM upload was a consequence of this decision; this was particularly useful experience in the case of WCMC’s data and the newly developed search query functions.
The production of a CD-ROM prototype means that the online/WWW prototype has not been fully demonstrated. However, with their experience in hyperlinked Web applications, the consortium does not anticipate any major obstacles in doing this during the Implementation Phase.
A PowerPoint presentation was made of the Definition Phase project. Illustrated are seven scenarios of typical user applications:
- Threats to World Heritage sites;
- Endangered species;
- Trade in endangered species;
- Polar bear Ursus maritimus;
- Steller’s eider Polysticta stelleri;
- Protected areas for biodiversity conservation;
- Conserving global biodiversity.
The PowerPoint presentation now provides the basis for a presentation tool for potential users and sponsors.