Identification of international strategies and agreements
WCMC used its experience of global and regional conservation issues to identify strategies and agreements that are essential instruments in biodiversity conservation, to provide a focus for development of the prototype and demonstration. Not all of the strategies and agreements were included in the databases on the prototype, but these and others would be added during the Implementation Phase.
- International strategies: Global Biodiversity Strategy; Caring for the Earth; Caracas Action Plan; World Conservation Strategy.
Regional strategies: Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy; Parks for Life: Action Plan for Protected Areas in Europe.
International Agreements: CITES; World Heritage Convention; Ramsar (Wetlands) Convention; Convention on Biological Diversity; Convention on Migratory Species.
Regional Agreements: EU Birds Directive; EU Habitats Directive; Bern Convention.
WCMC worked with UIA to locate electronic copies of the texts of these strategies and agreements, and to identify other documents and information sources that clarify the intent and implementation of these agreements. UIA incorporated text and other appropriate information about each strategy and agreement into the prototype.