International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

International Solar Energy Society

ISES 1954 Freiburg Germany B XC3244

International Solid Waste Association

ISWA 1931 Rotterdam Netherlands B XC2577

International Sugar Organization

ISO 1968 London UK B g XB2606

International Table Soccer Federation

ITSF 2002 Nantes France B XM0371

International Table Tennis Federation

ITTF 1926 Lausanne Switzerland B y XB2611

International Telecommunication Union

ITU 1985 Geneva Switzerland B g XB2622

International Telecommunications Satellite Organization

ITSO 1964 Washington DC USA B g XB2627

International Tennis Federation

ITF 1913 London UK B y XB2190

International Theatre Institute

ITI 1948 Paris France B j XB2630

International Trademark Association

INTA 1878 New York NY USA B t XB0011

International Traditional Federation of Karate

ITFK 1974 Curitiba Brazil B XD0162

International Transpersonal Association

ITA 1979 B XD8236

International Transport Workers' Federation

ITF 1896 London UK B y XB2644

International Tropical Timber Organization

ITTO 1985 Yokohama Japan B g XB0100

International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease

The Union 1920 Paris France B y XB2651

International Union for Health Promotion and Education

IUHPE 1951 Saint-Maurice France B XB2659

International Union for Housing Finance

IUHF 1914 Brussels Belgium B y XC2701

International Union for the Scientific Study of Population

IUSSP 1928 Aubervilliers France B v XC2676

International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences

IUAES 1948 Osaka Japan B XB2687

International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

IUBMB 1955 Winnipeg MB Canada B y XC2697

International Union of Biological Sciences

IUBS 1922 Orsay France B y XB2698

International Union of Food Science and Technology

IUFoST 1970 Guelph ON Canada B y XB1610

International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers Associations

IUF 1920 Geneva Switzerland B XB2719

International Union of Forest Research Organizations

IUFRO 1892 Vienna Austria B y XB2721

International Union of Microbiological Societies

IUMS 1927 Utrecht Netherlands B y XB1314
