International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Viittakivi International Centre

1951 U d XG5082


U s XU0242

Village des jeunes européens "Le Pouget"

1966 U d XN0223

Village Industry Service International

VISI London UK U x XG0462

Villages sans frontières

1983 U x XN6643

Vilnius Group

V10 2000 U dg XF6594

Vinegar Connoisseurs International

1996 Roslyn SD USA U vx XN8248

Virgin Islands International Islamic Society

Cisted Virgin Is USA U x XN4333

Virginia Commonwealth University

1838 Richmond VA USA U x XN1575

Virtual Association of Lotus Users Across the Enterprise

VALUE 1992 U x XF5171

Virtual Biosecurity Centre

VBC 2011 U dy XJ8871

virtual iNstitute on micromEchaTronics for bioMEdical inDustry

netMED 2005 U djt XJ5634

Virtual Reality Society

VRS 1994 U d XN8507

Virtual Sisterhood

U x XG5776

Vision 1250

U x XF3397

VISION 2020 - The Right to Sight

1999 U dy XF5821

Vision Care International Ministries

VCI 1987 U d XN7188

Vision without Borders

U x XN3630

Visions in Action

1989 U d XN5669

Visions of the Planet

Bellingham WA USA U x XN7015

Visiting International Psychiatric Teams

VIP Teams 1963 U d XU1102

Visnews International Training School

London UK U x XN2283

Visual Arts Resource and Research Centre Relating to the Caribbean

New York NY USA U x XG3515

Visually Impaired Piano Tuners International

VIPTI 1988 Detroit MI USA U x XN4170

Vita User Group Benelux

Brussels Belgium U x XN1498
