International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Urological Society of Australasia

1937 Edgecliff NSW Australia U n XN4723

US Africa Free Enterprise Education Business Foundation

1996 U fx XN9580

US Atlantic and Gulf Ports/Eastern Mediterranean and North African Freight Conference

USAGEM 1985 New York NY USA U x XN2963

US Council for Human Rights in the Balkans

1987 Forest Hills NY USA U x XN6013

US Council for World Freedom

USCWF 1978 U d XN3036

US People for the UN

US-PFUN 1969 New York NY USA U x XN1502

US-ASEAN Alliance for Mutual Growth

AMG 1993 U dg XJ7591

US-ASIA Institute

USAI 1979 Washington DC USA U jx XN4717

USA-CIS-Baltics Consortium

Fairfax VA USA U x XN7519

USAFIC International

1975 Wyncote PA USA U x XG8498

Users' Association of Measurement, Regulation and Automation Equipments

1970 U n XK1466

Usher Network

1997 U d XF6372

UWC International Network

U d XK1207

Vaccines for Children International

1966 U s XU6419

Vak Mondo Uniono por Mondo-savado e Mondo-servado

U d XU7777

Vakgroep Internationale Betrekkingen en Volkenrecht

PSF Amsterdam Netherlands U x XG8701

Valley Religious Task Force on Central America

VRTFCA 1981 Surprise AZ USA U x XN6556

Valorization and Utilization for Europe

VALUE U dg XK0103

Values Caucus at the United Nations

1994 New York NY USA U x XM1242

Vampire Empire

1965 U x XG8766

Vampire Research Foundation

New York NY USA U fx XN3943

Van Clé association mondiale

Van Clé AM 1976 U d XE1189

Vector International

VI 1981 Pittsburgh PA USA U x XN4069

Véhicles sans frontières

VSF Paris France U x XN1479

VELA Ministries International

San Jose CA USA U x XN9504
