International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Univac Users Association Europe

1966 U d XG9149

Universal Academy of Cultures

1992 U vx XF3606

Universal Academy of Medicine

U x XU2837

Universal Alliance

UA 1995 Brooklyn MN USA U x XN9825

Universal and International Society for the Revival of the Orient

1866 U dp XJ0636

Universal Articulate Interdimensional Understanding of Science

Unarius Academy of Sciences 1954 El Cajon CA USA U x XN6713

Universal Braille Press

1919 U n XU0102

Universal Buddhist Fellowship

UBF 1950 U s XG5076

Universal Buddhist League

U d XU0218

Universal Centre of the World Citizen - Cosmopolitis

U d XG7694

Universal Children's Gardens

Glen Head NY USA U x XN2623

Universal Christian Movement

UCM 1970 U d XU1140

Universal City of Peace

Aulnay-sous-Bois France U x XG8001

Universal College

U x XU1746

Universal Coloured People's Association

U x XU0355

Universal Consumers Association

Hong Kong Hong Kong U x XG1091

Universal Cooperatives

UNICO 1972 Minneapolis MN USA U x XN1368

Universal Correspondence Organization of Nepal

UCON 1979 U d XF2486

Universal Coterie of Pipe Smokers

TUCOPS 1964 U dv XF0123

Universal Defenders of Democracy

UDD Lagos Nigeria U x XN6557

Universal Education Association

UEA U x XG8547

Universal Engineering and Finance Corporation


Universal Family - The

U x XU0577

Universal Flag - World Trustees

1956 U d XU0610

Universal Hypnotherapists Centre

U x XU0893
