International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

United Nations Trust Fund for Ageing

1980 U dfg XF2123

United Nations Trust Fund for Colonial Countries and Peoples

New York NY USA U fgx XF7940

United Nations Trust Fund for Development Planning and Projections

UNTFDPP New York NY USA U fgx XF2773

United Nations Trust Fund for Implementation of the Peace Process in Mozambique

1993 U dfg XF2792

United Nations Trust Fund for Integrating Public Administration and the Science of Earthquakes in Prediction

UNEPPA Trust Fund 1996 U dfg XK1599

United Nations Trust Fund for Operational Programme in Lesotho

New York NY USA U fgs XF4271

United Nations Trust Fund for Publicity against Apartheid

1975 U dfg XF2548

United Nations Trust Fund for Social Defence

U dfg XK0227

United Nations Trust Fund for Social Development

UNTFSD U fgx XF6296

United Nations Trust Fund for South Africa

UNTFSA 1965 New York NY USA U dfg XF6307

United Nations Trust Fund for the Environment Stamp Conservation Fund

U dfg XF0615

United Nations Union of Professional Staff

UPS U dtv XE6047

United Nations University Institute for Sustainability and Peace

UNU-ISP 2009 U dj XJ1516

United Nations University International Leadership Institute

UNU/ILI 1995 U dj XE2776

United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala

MINUGUA 1997 U dg XF3701

United Nations Vocational Training Centre for Namibia

1984 U dg XE1275

United Nations Voluntary Fund for Internally Displaced Persons

U dfg XK1283

United Nations Voluntary Fund for Rwanda

U dfg XK1282

United Nations Voluntary Fund for the Former Yugoslavia

U dfg XK1281

United Nations War Crimes Commission

UNWCC 1943 U dg XU1189

United Nations World Food Council

WFC 1974 U dg XE3430

United Nations Yemen Observation Mission

UNYOM 1963 U dg XU6110

United Paperworkers International Union

UPIU 1972 U d XG2030

United Peoples of the World Organization

U s XU6178

United Planetary Federation

UPF Chicago IL USA U x XG5072
