Research methodology
In addition to the three base bibliographic sources, a number of additional sources were used to identify appropriate materials for inclusion in the bibliography section:
Back-indexing of the review Transnational Associations: This was undertaken because the UIA’s periodical publication (under different titles) has been a natural focal point for materials relevant to the study of INGOs – either through original contributions from researchers and organizations or through the UIA’s function as a collator and re-publisher of materials of import to the international associational community. Comprehensive back indexing from the present through 1949 has, for the most part, been completed. Materials from the index not relevant to the present bibliography are excluded.
Future activity: It is expected that comprehensive backindexing will continue in order to have a complete record of articles in database format for consultation and other use. Relevant citations will then be included in future editions of this bibliography.
UIA publications: UIA publications, in and of themselves, and the bibliographic material they contain, are a valuable source of entries for the bibliography. Multiple editions of the same publication (e.g. the UIA’s Yearbook of International Organizations) are listed under one single entry so as to reduce the number of entries for a single title.
Future activity: Where appropriate, archival materials will be checked for relevant citations. Of particular note are the materials published by the UIA prior to 1940, which may not be catalogued or cited in easily accessible sources.
Reports and other materials in the UIA’s possession: UIA and its staff have collected a vast quantity of material submitted by individuals, members and organizations. These materials include both published documents and “grey literature”. The items themselves are cited here and are frequently a valuable source of bibliographic information on other materials.
Future activity: Processing continues and citations will appear in future editions of this volume.
Materials from international organizations and researchers: A number of international governmental and non-governmental organizations and university professors / researchers responded to our requests for information on relevant publications. Their replies are responsible for providing some of the most detailed citations on current topics. Approximately 210 entries of have been added to this section from his data. Citations in his bibliography which are also identified in this section may actually be higher than this as several of his articles contained large reference sections and also because of the complementary interests of his compilation and this project.
Future activity: We will continue to contact relevant individuals and organizations for their suggestions/assistance.
Traditional Research Methods: Several libraries in the Brussels region provided resources for identifying materials for the bibliography through traditional research methods.
Future activity: We will continue to use available resources to further develop the bibliography.Electronic Research Methodology: The Internet provides access to a large amount of information. Direct access to publishers’ catalogues and the catalogues of libraries around the world, as well as the on-line publication/presentation of materials and resources from researchers and organizations, facilitated the identification of appropriate materials and also facilitated contact between the UIA and other researchers. URLs are now included in citations.