The bibliography section contains the bibliographical information also presented in the "Publications" paragraph of the organization's profile (see Organizations tab) . Also note that if an international organization has considerable publishing activity then only its major or more recent publications are included here. Editorial time constraints do not currently permit comprehensive coverage.
Bibliography entries also include information technology resources of the organization, such as databases, which are listed under the "Information Services" paragraph of the organization's profile. Please note that web addresses (URLs) are not listed here but are included at the end of the organizations' addresses in the profile.
Extensive bibliographical research building on initiatives of the past and incorporating references to the most recent studies and information in Transnational Associations is included in the bibliography section as well.
As from the 40th edition, the editors have decided to cease publishing a selection of the Encyclopedia's bibliographic references.The entirety of the Encyclopedia, including its bibliographic references, is now available online at no charge. The online environment enables the user to reference all materials compiled in the Encyclopedia.
The present bibliography includes much material from previous UIA bibliographic efforts to identify materials relevant to the study of intergovernmental organizations and transnational association networks / international non-governmental organization:
- International Institutions and International Organization: a select bibliography (1956; 783 entries)
- Select Bibliography on International Organization (1965; 1,080 entries)
- Bibliography of Documents on Transnational Association Networks (1972 edition of this Yearbook; revised version in the 1974 French edition of this Yearbook)
Where evident, duplicate citations have been removed.
This section contains over 19,500 entries – over 17,000 unique citations with over 2,000 citations reproduced under other subject headings as appropriate; cited materials include items in several languages, although the majority refer to items published in English or French. When available, information is included to indicate editions available in other languages.
Note: Inclusion of data from previous UIA bibliographic initiatives has somewhat broadened the focus of the current presentation. This is due, in part, to the fact that earlier initiatives included “international organization” as part of their research mandate. The present research initiatives, as hopefully reflected in the content of the bibliography, focus primarily on “international non-governmental organization” and especially on “transnational association networks”.