← Transportation, Telecommunications

Transportation, Telecommunications → Ports: Sea, Air

UN Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Organizations relating to Ports: Sea, Air

Arab Sea Ports Federation / Alexandria, Egypt / Est. 1976
Association of Pacific Ports / Clackamas OR, USA / Est. 1913
World Airport Lawyers Association / San Isidro, Argentina / Est. 2008
International Industry Working Group / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1970
European Network of Airport Law Enforcement Organisations / Zaventem, Belgium
Worldwide Airport Coordinators Group / Paray-Vieille-Poste, France
Forum of European Regional Airports / Est. 2005
International Network of Affiliated Ports / Kochi, Japan
International Association of Airport Duty Free Stores / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1966
International and EU Port Law Centre / Antwerp, Belgium / Est. 2010
Latin American Dredging Association
World Airport Technology / Est. 1973
Western European Airports Association / Est. 1966
European Association of Fishing Ports and Auctions / Est. 1998
International Association of Port Jurists / Dunkerque, France / Est. 1994
Asociación Regional Latinoamericana de Puertos de Pacifico
North Atlantic Ports Association / Walpole MA, USA / Est. 1949
Seafarers UK / London, UK / Est. 1917
International Symposium on Dredging Technology / Bedford, UK
International Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries / Est. 1983
Convention Concerning the Social Repercussions of New Methods of Cargo Handling in Docks / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1973
Convention Concerning Occupational Safety and Health in Dock Work / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1979
Protection Against Accidents / Dockers, 1932 / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1932
Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control in West and Central Africa / London, UK / Est. 1999
Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control in the Indian Ocean / London, UK / Est. 1998
Caribbean Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control / London, UK / Est. 1996
Convention and Statute on the International Régime of Maritime Ports / Est. 1923
Convention Concerning Seafarers' Welfare at Sea and in Port / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1987
Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control in the Black Sea / London, UK / Est. 2000
Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control in the Arab States of the Gulf / London, UK / Est. 2004
Latin American Agreement on Port State Control of Vessels / Buenos Aires, Argentina / Est. 1992
Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports Serving International Civil Aviation / Est. 1988
Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing / Est. 2009
Airport Advertising International Association / Rushcutters Bay NSW, Australia
US Atlantic and Gulf Ports/Eastern Mediterranean and North African Freight Conference / New York NY, USA / Est. 1985
International Waterfront Association
Environmental Challenges for European Port Authorities / Est. 1993
East African Harbours Corporation
Centro Panamericano de Capacitación Portuaria
Port Working Group
South Atlantic Caribbean Ports Association / Georgetown SC, USA
Comité international pour la révision des règlements en matière de passeports et de ports des lettres
Gulf Port Management Association
Ecole régionale de sécurité incendie / Douala, Cameroon
International Association of Great Lakes Ports / Toronto ON, Canada / Est. 1960
Comisión Centroamericana de Autoridades Portuarios / Est. 1969
Ports Environmental Network-Africa / Rotterdam, Netherlands
International Conference on the Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways and Airfields
International Airport Watch Association / Est. 1999
Inter-Governmental Standing Committee on Shipping / Mombasa, Kenya / Est. 1967

View all profiles (136 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Ports: Sea, Air

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Vulnerability of land-locked countries
Overcrowded port warehousing
Air traffic congestion
Port congestion

Action Strategies relating to Ports: Sea, Air

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Establishing port facilities for collecting residues from ships
Protecting transport rights of land-locked countries
Upgrading airports
Reducing the environmental impacts of airports
Improving car ferry docks
Building sturdy trawler jetty
Building all-weather docking facilities
Extending operational airport hours
Building airports
Improving port facilities for land-locked countries
Providing adequate port and storage facilities for land-locked countries
Standardizing port charges
Developing ports
Visiting ports
Fostering international cooperation in civil aviation
Developing improved port security
Developing seaports

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