Social Activity → Human Resources
Organizations relating to Human Resources
Asian Pacific Federation of Human Resource Management / Melbourne VIC, Australia / Est. 1968
European Basic Skills Network / Budapest, Hungary / Est. 2010
ARTDO Asia-Pacific Human Resources Development Centre / Manila, Philippines
Caribbean Council of Higher Education in Agriculture / St Augustine, Trinidad-Tobago / Est. 1997
Centre for Experiential Negotiation and Applied Diplomacy / Brussels, Belgium
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicación Educativa / Mexico City, Mexico / Est. 1956
European Sports Workforce Development Alliance / Lyon, France
Gulf Arab States Educational Research Centre / Shameya, Kuwait / Est. 1978
SEAMEO Regional Training Centre, Ho Chi Minh City / Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam / Est. 1996
Asia Pacific Action Alliance on Human Resources for Health / Nonthaburi, Thailand / Est. 2005
European Human Resource Forum / Est. 1992
European Club for Human Resources / Brussels, Belgium
Science and Technology Policy Asian Network / Est. 1988
Forestry Workforce Network / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1993
Environmental Training Network for Latin America and the Caribbean / Est. 1980
Network of International Science and Technology Centers / Islamabad, Pakistan / Est. 1994
Inter-Islamic Network on Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology / Cairo, Egypt / Est. 1987
Global Health Workforce Alliance / Est. 2006
Eastern and Southern African Universities Research Programme / Dar es Salaam, Tanzania UR / Est. 1977
Foundation for Asian Management Development / Est. 1983
Inter-American Distance Education Consortium / Hallandale Beach FL, USA / Est. 1990
Arctic Vocational Foundation / Övertorneå, Sweden / Est. 1991
International Commission on Workforce Development / San Francisco CA, USA / Est. 2002
International Public Management Association for Human Resources / Alexandria VA, USA / Est. 1973
European Chamber of Extrajudicial Adjudicators and Experts of Europe / Vicenza, Italy / Est. 1977
Society for Human Resource Management / Alexandria VA, USA / Est. 1948
World Neighbors / Oklahoma City OK, USA / Est. 1951
North American Human Resource Management Association / Alexandria VA, USA / Est. 1997
Cultural Vistas / New York NY, USA / Est. 2011
Asian and Pacific Skill Development Programme / Bangkok, Thailand / Est. 1978
Association européenne pour la compétitivité par les ressources humaines
Common Nordic Labour Market / Copenhagen, Denmark / Est. 1954
Nordic Labour Market Committee / Est. 1954
European Association for Skills and Knowledge
Association internationale pour le développement des ressources humaines
African Human Resource Confederation / Kampala, Uganda
World Memory Sports Council / Croydon, UK / Est. 1991
UNESCO Fellowships Programme / Paris, France / Est. 1946
SAARC Human Resource Development Centre
Arab Centre for Human Resources Development / Est. 1975
International Association for Human Resource Information Management / Chevy Chase MD, USA
Association francophone de gestion des ressources humaines / Cergy-Pontoise, France / Est. 1989
David Anderson Africa Trust / Wingrave, UK
International Alliance for Human Resources Research / Toronto ON, Canada
Centre for European Labour Market Research / Aberdeen, UK / Est. 2000
Human Capital Leadership Institute / Singapore, Singapore / Est. 2010
Carlos Slim Foundation / Est. 1986
WorldatWork / Scottsdale AZ, USA / Est. 1995
International Human Resource Management Conference
Convention Concerning Vocational Guidance and Vocational Training in the Development of Human Resources / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1975
View all profiles (191 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Human Resources
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialFarm-bound labour force
Lack of skilled manpower in rural areas
Exploitation of child labour
Social hardships of economic reform
Disruptive migration of trained personnel
Urban unemployment
Disruptive rural to urban migration
Deficient business leadership
Obsolete vocational skills
Unemployment of educated older people
Structural rigidities in labour markets
Waste of human resources
Illiteracy as an obstacle to acquiring skills
Competitive development of new weapons
Labour displacement
Labour hoarding by employers
Underutilization of labour force
Motor skills disorder
Unlawful recruiting for and enlistment in foreign armed forces
Limited social guidance from older generations
Lack of vocational teachers
Redundancy of workers
Limited access to society's resources
Segmented labour markets
Action Strategies relating to Human Resources
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialDeskilling
Improving skill base of rural women
Developing networked documentation services in social sciences
Researching human resources development
Studying diplomatic relations
Improving skill base of women
Supporting participation of women in work force
Establishing equal opportunity for women in employment
Strengthening cooperation in the social sciences
Training in population and development
Recruiting members
Developing professional skills
Developing human resources for management of marine and coastal areas
Segmenting labour market
Increasing labour flexibility
Broadening understanding of human development
Improving study methods
Displacing manpower with information technology
Developing human resources to protect vulnerable groups
Expanding labour market information systems on environmental job and training opportunities
Developing human resources to meet primary health care needs
Adapting work to an ageing workforce
Providing advocacy consultancy services
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