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Organizations relating to Semitism

Inter-parliamentary Coalition for Combating Antisemitism / London, UK / Est. 2008
ARZENU - International Federation of Reform and Progressive Religious Zionists / Jerusalem, Israel / Est. 1980
World Likud / Tel Aviv, Israel / Est. 1992
Hashomer Hatzair - World Movement for Zionist Youth / Ramat Efal, Israel
Mizrachi - Hapoel Hamizrachi World Organization / Jerusalem, Israel / Est. 1902
World Labour Zionist Movement
Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith / New York NY, USA / Est. 1913
Zionist Organization of America / New York NY, USA / Est. 1897
Internet Centre Anti-Racism Europe / Est. 1999
World Union of Meretz / Tel Aviv, Israel
Ben-Zvi Institute for the Study of Jewish Communities in the East / Jerusalem, Israel / Est. 1947
Simon Wiesenthal Centre-Europe / Paris, France
Centre d'études des discriminations, du racisme et de l'antisémitisme / Est. 2005
Vienna Wiestenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies / Vienna, Austria
International Committee of Experts for the Campaign Against the Revival of Neo-Nazism and Antisemitism
Union mondiale des sionistes révisonnistes
Federación Universitaria Sionista Latinoamericano - Norte / Est. 1979
Maison universelle des Séphardin / Est. 1920
Union internationale de la résistance et de la déportation / Tardais, France / Est. 1953
World Federation of Sephardi Communities / Est. 1944
Latin American Student Zionist Federation - South / Est. 1979
International Federation of Leagues Against Anti-Semitism / Est. 1927
Union of Resistance Veterans for a United Europe / Est. 1955
Union universelles des communautés séphardites / Est. 1925
International Association for the Study of Antisemitism / Est. 2008
Tagar Zionist Student Activist Movement / Cleveland Heights OH, USA / Est. 1983
Neturei Karta International / Monsey NY, USA / Est. 1938
Anne Frank House / Amsterdam, Netherlands / Est. 1957
European Sephardic Institute / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1994
Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung / Berlin, Germany / Est. 1982
Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism and Racism / Tel Aviv, Israel / Est. 1991
Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism / Bloomington IN, USA / Est. 2010
European Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism / London, UK / Est. 2007
World Union of General Zionists
European Centre for Research and Action on Racism and Antisemitism / Paris, France
Federación Universitaria Sionista Sud Americana
Central African Zionist Organization / Harare, Zimbabwe
Centre for Research and Study of the Sephardi and Oriental Jewish Heritage / Jerusalem, Israel / Est. 1995
Centre for the Study of Sephardi and Oriental Jewry, Jerusalem
International Jewish Labor Bund / Est. 1897
International Anti-Semitic Union
Vsemirnyj Antisionistskij i Antimasonskij Front 'Pamiat' / Est. 1987
Abu Nidal Organization / Est. 1974
Antisemitic International
Centre européen d'études sur l'ethnicité, la shoah, l'antisémitisme et le génocide / Brussels, Belgium
Skandinaviska Zionistförbundet
Bureau of European Zionist Federations
European Confederation of General Zionists
Organisation internationale du sionisme
Ligue antijuive mondiale

View all profiles (84 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Semitism

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Christian antisemitism

Action Strategies relating to Semitism

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Fighting against antisemitism
Combatting zionism

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