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Society → Minority, Indigenous Groups

Organizations relating to Minority, Indigenous Groups

Saami Council / Karasjok, Norway / Est. 1956
Caribbean Organization of Indigenous Peoples / Arima, Trinidad-Tobago / Est. 1987
Indian Council of South America / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1980
Coordinadora Andina de Organizaciones Indígenas / Lima, Peru / Est. 2006
NGO Committee on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples / New York NY, USA
Comisión Juridica para el Autodesarrollo de los Pueblos Originarios Andinos / Tacna, Peru / Est. 1993
Kommunikationsausschuss Lutherischer Minderheitskirchen in Europa / Dalfsen, Netherlands / Est. 1977
International Committee for Crimea / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1997
Minority Research Network / Rotterdam, Netherlands
Fondo para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indigenas de América Latina y el Caribe / La Paz, Bolivia / Est. 1992
International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity / Honolulu HI, USA / Est. 1996
International Training Center of Indigenous Peoples / Nuuk, Greenland / Est. 1997
World Indigenous Television Broadcasters Network / Est. 2008
Indigenous Peoples' Biodiversity Network / Cusco, Peru
Forest Movement Europe / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1989
European Network on Indigenous Peoples / Cologne, Germany / Est. 2013
Land Healers Foundation / Est. 2018
Cultural Survival / Cambridge MA, USA / Est. 1972
European Network for Indigenous Australian Rights / Est. 1998
Working Group on Rainforests and Biodiversity / Bielefeld, Germany / Est. 1987
Center for Indigenous Languages of Latin America / Austin TX, USA / Est. 2000
European Folklore Institute / Budapest, Hungary / Est. 1995
Centre for Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies / Birmingham, UK / Est. 1981
Four Directions Council / Est. 1981
Naga International Support Centre, Amsterdam / Amsterdam, Netherlands / Est. 2000
Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North / Moscow, Russia / Est. 1990
Action d'appui pour la protection des droits des minorités en Afrique centrale / Cyangugu, Rwanda
Asia Harvest / Bradenton FL, USA
Amazigh World Congress / Paris, France / Est. 1995
Rigoberta Menchú Tum Foundation / Mexico City, Mexico
Mundo Maya Organization / Tegucigalpa, Honduras / Est. 1992
Assyrian Universal Alliance / San Jose CA, USA / Est. 1968
Equipo Nizkor / Madrid, Spain
Adventist Frontier Missions / Berrien Springs MI, USA / Est. 1985
Centre for Documentation and Information on Minorities in Europe-Southeast Europe / Glyka Nera, Greece / Est. 1998
Research School of Asian, African and Amerindian Studies / Leiden, Netherlands / Est. 1988
Astraea International Fund For Sexual Minorities / New York NY, USA / Est. 1996
Grand Council of the Crees - Eeyou Istchee / Montréal QC, Canada / Est. 1974
Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas / Muncie IN, USA / Est. 1981
Calmeadow Charitable Foundation / Toronto ON, Canada / Est. 1983
Inuvialuit Game Council, Canada / Inuvik NT, Canada
Overseas Council International / Indianapolis IN, USA / Est. 1974
Commonwealth Association of Indigenous Peoples / Woolloongabba QLD, Australia / Est. 1999
Tribal Link Foundation / New York NY, USA / Est. 1993
European Organization of Pakistani Minorities
Policy Center for Roma and Minorities / Bucharest, Romania / Est. 2008
East and Central African Association for Indigenous Rights / Fredericton NB, Canada / Est. 2003
Pachamama Alliance / San Francisco CA, USA
Rainforest Foundation US / Brooklyn NY, USA / Est. 1989
Rainforest Foundation UK / London, UK

View all profiles (349 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Minority, Indigenous Groups

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Ethnic discrimination
Income discrimination against minorities
Ethnic conflict
Violation of the rights of sexual minorities
Denial of right of indigenous peoples to participate in political processes
Segregation of poor and minority population in urban ghettos
Denial of right to freedom of religion of indigenous peoples
Exploitation of indigenous populations in employment
Denial of education to minorities
Discrimination against minority languages
Underprivileged racial minorities
Expulsion of ethnic minorities
Denial of right of peoples to use their own language
Expropriation of land from indigenous populations
Illiteracy among indigenous peoples
Inadequate housing among indigenous peoples
Malnutrition among indigenous peoples
Discrimination against indigenous populations
Denial of rights of ethnic minorities
Discrimination against minorities
Social dictatorship
Lack of economic adaptation of indigenous systems
Inadequate education of indigenous peoples
Abuse of traditional cultural expressions of peoples

Action Strategies relating to Minority, Indigenous Groups

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Promoting indigenous development
Preserving old growth forests
Increasing literacy amongst migrants
Protesting woodchipping of native forests
Protecting minority rights
Advocating eco-forestry
Incorporating sustainable indigenous management systems for land resources
Strengthening legislation on the rights of indigenous peoples
Establishing a database for indigenous livestock breeds
Improving coordination among public, NGOs, indigenous people and local communities
Respecting cultural integrity of indigenous peoples and communities
Tolerating political diversity
Studying traditional forms
Adapting indigenous pest control knowledge
Promotion of rights of indigenous tribal workers
Choosing indigenous breeds for development
Promoting welfare of persons belonging to minorities
Learning from indigenous values
Romanticizing indigenous cultures
Respecting rights of indigenous peoples and communities
Expanding research in cooperation with indigenous people
Compiling information on indigenous land resource conservation
Pacifying the natives
Recovering cultural property of indigenous peoples
Including interests of indigenous people in international agreements

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