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Geology → Land and Coastal Forms

UN Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 14: Life Below Water

Organizations relating to Land and Coastal Forms

International Commission for the Hydrology of the Rhine Basin / Utrecht, Netherlands / Est. 1970
World Volleyball and Beach Volleyball Federation / Est. 2006
Society for the Conservation of Reef Fish Aggregations / Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Asociación Internacional de Profesionales de Puertos y Costas / Buenos Aires, Argentina
Asociación Panamericana de Profesionales de la Agrimensura y Topografia / Est. 1999
International Centre for Coastal Resources Research / Barcelona, Spain / Est. 1993
Consejo del Istmo Centroamericano de Deportes y Recreación / Panama, Panama / Est. 1992
Intergovernmental Coordination Group for Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions / Quatre-Bornes, Mauritius / Est. 2005
Comité Regional de Recursos Hidraulicos del Istmo Centroamericano / San José, Costa Rica / Est. 1966
Comisión Trinacional para el Desarrollo de la Cuenca del Rio Pilcomayo / Asunción, Paraguay / Est. 1995
International Commission of the Congo-Ubangui-Sangha Basin / Kinshasa, Congo DR / Est. 1999
Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf / New York NY, USA
African Network for Basin Organizations / Dakar, Senegal / Est. 2002
UN-OCEANS / New York NY, USA / Est. 2003
Coastal Zone Asia-Pacific Association / Bangkok, Thailand
Congo Basin Forest Partnership / Est. 2002
Nile Basin Initiative / Entebbe, Uganda / Est. 1999
Action Plan for the Protection of the Marine Environment and Coastal Areas in the South East Pacific / Guayaquil, Ecuador / Est. 1981
Asian Fisheries Social Science Research Network / Serdang, Malaysia / Est. 1983
Latin American Network of Basin Organizations / Brasilia, Brazil / Est. 1997
Nile Basin Discourse / Entebbe, Uganda / Est. 2003
International Offshore Petroleum Environmental Regulators / Est. 2013
Black Sea Coastal Association / Varna, Bulgaria / Est. 1997
Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation / Seattle WA, USA / Est. 1971
Costas Grammenos Centre for Shipping, Trade and Finance, The / London, UK
Institute for Global Learning, Seaside CA / Seaside CA, USA
Fondazione Mediterranea / Ragusa, Italy / Est. 1985
WiLDCOAST / Imperial Beach CA, USA / Est. 2000
Southern African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds / Cape Town, South Africa / Est. 1968
Coastal Conservation Network / Costa Mesa CA, USA
Coastal Environmental Rights Foundation / Encinitas CA, USA
Coastal Footprint
Coastal Watershed Institute / Port Angeles WA, USA
Asociación para la Conservación de la Cuenca Amazónica / Lima, Peru / Est. 1999
European Federation of Nautical Tourism Destinations / Paris, France / Est. 2009
Coral Restoration Foundation / Key Largo FL, USA
Straits Commission / Est. 1924
Caribbean Basin Corrections Association
Caribbean Basin Investment Fund / Est. 1998
Asociación Iberoamericana de Puertos y Costas / Est. 1981
Pacific Basin Financial Management Society / Est. 1997
African Society for Nile Basin Studies
Asociación de Usuarios del Transporte Maritimo, Terrestre y Aéreo del Istmo Centroamericano / San Pedro Sula, Honduras / Est. 1969
Pacific Basin Dental Association / Majuro, Marshall Is / Est. 2001
SAARC Coastal Zone Management Centre, Maldives / Est. 2004
Arab Drilling and Workover Company / Tripoli, Libya / Est. 1980
FRIEND/Nile Basin / Cairo, Egypt / Est. 1996
100 Historic Sites of the Mediterranean Coastal Heritage / Est. 1989
International Ocean Institute - Pacific Islands / Suva, Fiji / Est. 1993
Sandra Ann Morsilli Pacific-Basin Capital Markets Research Center / Kingston RI, USA / Est. 1989

View all profiles (315 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Land and Coastal Forms

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Erosion of coastal biological resources
Environmental hazards of empolderment of wetlands
Threatened coral reef ecosystems
Overexploitation of underground water resources
Coastal water pollution
Vulnerability of land-locked countries
Uncoordinated international river basin development
Threatened species of Catopuma badia
Threatened alluvial forests habitats
Lake shoreline damage
Restrictions on passage through straits and interoceanic canals
Destabilization of national insurance markets by offshore insurers
Threatened marine or estuarine habitats with rooted vascular beds
Threatened coastal aquatic habitats with algal beds
Rising sea level
Threatened coastal sand dune systems
Threatened littoral habitats of freshwater lakes
Inadequate watershed management
Lack of finance in coastal communities
Conflicting claims concerning off-shore territorial waters
Inadequate rail transport facilities
Oil spillage
Shifting coastlines
Threatened marine coastal habitats
Threatened lake habitats

Action Strategies relating to Land and Coastal Forms

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Managing coasts
Monitoring conservation of coral reefs
Undertaking environmental impact assessment of major coastal and marine area projects
Managing degraded river basins
Instituting integrated management of water catchments
Improving management systems for highland valleys
Facilitating environmentally sound technologies for coastal zones
Developing human resources for management of marine and coastal areas
Ensuring local participation in coastal zone management
Adapting coast management techniques to environmental conditions on small islands
Preparing coastal profiles
Controlling human induced coastal erosion
Increasing scientific capability in coastal zones
Supporting coastal zone management training programmes in developing countries
Assessing likely effects of climate change on the coastal environment
Reducing harmful impacts of human settlements in coastal zones
Controlling harmful levels of artificial discharge to coastal waters
Preparing national guidelines for coastal management
Improving pollution control for offshore platforms
Assisting coastal and island states to expand marine research capabilities
Increasing information exchange on marine and coastal issues
Coordinating sectoral programmes for management of coastal zones
Building databases for assessing coastal zones
Applying environmental quality criteria in coastal zones
Establishing offshore zones

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