Global civil society activity in San Pedro Sula, Honduras

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Meetings Statistics

From UIA's International Meetings Statistics Report

20 years

San Pedro Sula is ranked #1089 over a 20 year period,
with 15 meetings since 2004.


San Pedro Sula is ranked #439 for 2023, with 2 meetings.

Organizations based in San Pedro Sula

Asociación de Usuarios del Transporte Maritimo, Terrestre y Aéreo del Istmo Centroamericano Est. 1969

Association of Central American Societies of Neurosurgeons Est. 1998

View More profiles (2 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

Future Events in San Pedro Sula

2024 Congreso Latinoamericano de Estudiantes de Ingeniería Industrial (CLEIN)Asociación Latinoamericana de Estudiantes de Ingenieria Industrial y Afines

View More Future Events (1 total) in The International Congress Calendar

Past Events in San Pedro Sula

2023 Latin America Regional Conference – World Federation of Consuls
2023 General Assembly – Asociación Latinoamericana de Instituciones Financieras para el Desarrollo
2022 Congress – Asociación Latinoamericana de Avicultura
2022 Meeting – Alianza Latinoamericana Anticontrabando
2018 Annual Congress – Iberoamerican Society of Neonatology
2016 Congress – Asociación Médica Latinoamericana de Rehabilitación
2012 Meeting – Central American Council on Housing and Human Settlements
2012 Congress – Federación de Entidades Organizadoras de Congresos y Afines de América Latina
2009 General Assembly – Organization of American States
2008 EEP regional forum – Energy and Environment Partnership with Central AmericaCentral American Bank for Economic Integration
2006 Congress / Biennial Congress – Central American and Caribbean Dermatological Society
2006 Pan American lectureship – Church of Christ
2005 Regional forum – Energy and Environment Partnership with Central America
2005 Meeting of ministers responsible for the economic integration of Central America
2004 Healthy aviculture - a commitment for development – Federación de Avicultores de Centroamérica y el Caribe
2004 Joint seminar – Asociación Latinoamericana de AviculturaOIE - World Organisation for Animal Health
2004 Annual Conference – Red Social de América Latina y el Caribe
2002 Annual Meeting – Asociación de Supervisores de Seguros de América Latina
2002 Conference on insurance regulation and supervision in Latin America – Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentInternational Association of Insurance SupervisorsAsociación de Supervisores de Seguros de América Latina
2001 Annual Meeting – Global Health Education Consortium
2000 Meeting – Association of Caribbean States
1999 Central American symposium – World Aquaculture Society
1998 Convention – Association of Binational Centers in Latin America
1997 Western hemisphere conference on eco-agrosilviculture
1997 Regional assembly of cooperative women – Confederación de Cooperativas del Caribe, Centro y Suramérica

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