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Agriculture, Fisheries → Animal Husbandry

UN Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 15: Life on Land

Organizations relating to Animal Husbandry

International Buckskin Horse Association / Shelby IN, USA / Est. 1971
Livestock Environmental Assessment and Performance Partnership / Rome, Italy / Est. 2012
Arab Company for Livestock Development / Riyadh, Saudi Arabia / Est. 1974
Inter-American Confederation of Cattlemen / Houston TX, USA / Est. 1964
European Working Party for Landscape Husbandry / Est. 1963
International Livestock Identification Association / Helena MT, USA / Est. 1946
International Conference on Goat Production and Disease / Logan UT, USA
Comité européen de coordination contre la tenderie en Belgique
Maghreb Committee for Development of Stockbreeding / Est. 1975
Office international de l'élevage
African Livestock Policy Analysis Network / Est. 1985
European Livestock Exporters and Producers Platform
Action for Animal Health / London, UK
GALVmed / Edinburgh, UK / Est. 2004
World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production / Est. 1974
International Livestock Research Institute / Nairobi, Kenya / Est. 1995
Fur Free Alliance / Amsterdam, Netherlands
Centre for Supporting Evidence Based Interventions in Livestock / Midlothian, UK
Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies / Seoul, Korea Rep / Est. 1980
International Symposium on Emerging and Re-emerging Pig Diseases
European Association of Livestock Markets / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1983
Union européenne du commerce du bétail et des métiers de la viande / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1951
European Livestock Voice / Brussels, Belgium
World Association for Animal Production / Rome, Italy / Est. 1965
Animal Production and Health Commission for Asia and the Pacific / Bangkok, Thailand / Est. 1975
Commission on Livestock Development in Latin America and the Caribbean / Santiago, Chile / Est. 1987
Intergovernmental Group on Meat and Dairy Products / Est. 1970
Asociación Latinoamericana para la Producción Animal / Calgary AB, Canada / Est. 1966

View all profiles (105 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Animal Husbandry

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Excessive use of hormones in animal husbandry
Unsanitary and inhumane food animal conditions
Hunting of animals
Unexplained livestock mutilation
Cruelty to livestock during transportation
Feral mammals
Cruel slaughterhouse practices
Underutilized animal genetic resources
Spread of animal diseases through factory farming
Agricultural risks
Subsistence agricultural income level in rural communities
Instability of production of food and live animals
Poor quality of domestic livestock
Non-productive use of cattle and livestock
Inadequate animal husbandry
Effluents from animal husbandry
Threatened rangeland habitats
Cruel culling of seals
Decreasing genetic diversity of animals
Endangered lifestyles of nomads and pastoralists
Trapping of animals
Health risks to workers in agricultural and livestock production
Inferior meat quality from intensive animal farming units

Action Strategies relating to Animal Husbandry

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Culling animal numbers
Culling human populations
Strengthening programmes for livestock conservation
Improving quality of water for livestock
Conserving wild animals through hunting
Increasing water sources for livestock to prevent overgrazing around existing sources
Monitoring livestock productivity
Promoting conservation orientated grazing regimes
Promoting sustainable livestock production
Ensuring farm animal productivity
Developing animal husbandry skill
Improving feeding of domestic animals
Increasing current herd capabilities
Providing added livestock sheds
Introducing new livestock sources
Providing sheltered herd enclosures
Applying crop rotation methods
Controlling herd grazing patterns
Initiating diversified animal husbandry
Raising profitable market livestock
Raising profitable small livestock
Expanding common grazing herd
Improving small animal husbandry
Constructing centralized livestock facilities
Encouraging supplementary livestock husbandry

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