Recreation → Theatre
Theatre or theater is a collaborative form of performing art that uses live performers, usually actors or actresses, to present experiences of a real or imagined event before a live audience in a specific place, often a stage. The performers may communicate this experience to the audience through combinations of gesture, speech, song, music, and dance. It is the oldest form of drama, though live theatre has now been joined by modern recorded forms. Elements of art, such as painted scenery and stagecraft such as lighting are used to enhance the physicality, presence and immediacy of the experience. Places, normally buildings, where performances regularly take place are also called "theatres", as derived from the Ancient Greek θέατρον, itself from θεάομαι.
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Organizations relating to Theatre
PERSPECTIV - Association of Historic Theatres in Europe / Biebergemünd, Germany / Est. 2003
Bureau de liaison internationale des écoles de théâtre / Waremme, Belgium / Est. 1975
Malone Society / London, UK / Est. 1906
Nordic Theatre Union / Reykjavik, Iceland / Est. 1937
Commission internationale du théâtre francophone / Paris, France / Est. 1987
International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States, its Territories and Canada / New York NY, USA / Est. 1893
Intercult / Stockholm, Sweden / Est. 1992
Australasian Association for Theatre, Drama and Performance Studies / Sydney NSW, Australia / Est. 1977
Theatre Without Borders / Est. 2004
Arab Theatre Institute / Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Globetree Foundation / Stockholm, Sweden / Est. 1982
International Thespian Society / Cincinnati OH, USA / Est. 1929
International Institute of Mediterranean Theatre / Madrid, Spain / Est. 1990
Københavns International Teater / Copenhagen, Denmark
Association internationale des techniciens de théâtre / Est. 1957
Universal Theatre Society / Est. 1926
International Federation of Dramatic and Musical Criticism / Est. 1929
Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutschsprachiger Theater / Bern, Switzerland / Est. 1952
Nordisk Teater Råd
International Association of Theatre Public Organization
International Ticketing Association / Indianapolis IN, USA / Est. 1980
Association for Asian Performance / Bloomington IN, USA / Est. 1987
International Dance and Movement Centre, Budapest / Budapest, Hungary / Est. 1968
International Centre of Theatre Creations / Paris, France / Est. 1971
African Theatre Association / London, UK / Est. 2006
Internationale Nestroy Gesellschaft / Vienna, Austria / Est. 1973
Asian TV Drama Conference / Est. 2006
International Society of Dramatists / Est. 1977
Asian Theatre Institute / Delhi, India / Est. 1958
EP Impersonators Association International / Est. 1977
International Popular Theatre Alliance
Standing Committee of International Theatre Organizations
International Research Centre on World Performing Arts / Vitré, France / Est. 1982
Organizzazione Mediterranea Teatrolaboratorio / Lecce, Italy
Seeding the Network / London, UK / Est. 1990
Internationale Mime Associatie
Europees Figurenteatercentrum / Ghent, Belgium / Est. 1989
Centre for Asian Theatre / Dhaka, Bangladesh / Est. 1994
International Center for Theatre Creation, New York / New York NY, USA
Theatre of Latin America / Est. 1966
International Association of English Speaking Actors
Movement Theatre International
Alliance internationale du théâtre populaire / Toronto ON, Canada
International Union of Variety Actors
Theatre for Africa / Claremont, South Africa / Est. 1989
International Playback Theatre Network / Cottesloe WA, Australia
ESF Network on European Theatre Iconography
United Nations Theatre Group / Est. 1959
Odéon - Théâtre de l'Europe / Paris, France
Eastern European Theatre Committee
View all profiles (156 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Theatre
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialAction Strategies relating to Theatre
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialDramatizing
Eliminating racism
Advancing interests of women
Researching supranational actors in international politics
Changing society through theatre
Assisting children
Enlisting media cooperation on the environment
Increasing collaboration among development actors
Identifying key actors for national environmental action plans
Becoming a disciple
Organizing information needed for development purposes
Shaping politically dramatic event
Acting out symbolic world view
Acting as individual nucleus of common ethic
Requiring dramatization of religious rites
Dramatizing community consciousness
Orchestrating intentional drama
Reenacting common heritage
Dramatizing world inter-relatedness
Popularizing global stewardship
Acting as Devil's advocate
Acting outside the law
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