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Industry → Production

UN Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

Organizations relating to Production

West Indies Rum and Spirits Producers' Association Inc / St Michael, Barbados
Music Producers Guild / Littlehampton, UK / Est. 1995
Confederation of American Associations for the Production of Sustainable Agriculture / Mercedes, Uruguay
International Diatomite Producers Association / Washington DC, USA
International Association of Trade Unions of Workers in Scientific Research and Production Cooperatives and Enterprises / Moscow, Russia
Intergovernmental Committee of the International Convention of Rome for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1961
CARICOM Regional Organization for Standards and Quality / St Michael, Barbados / Est. 2002
Perlite Institute / Harrisburg PA, USA / Est. 1949
West African Network of Farmers' Organizations and Agricultural Producers / Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso / Est. 2000
Asian Producers' Platform / Est. 2014
Global Network for Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production / Vienna, Austria / Est. 2010
Global Research Forum on Sustainable Production and Consumption
Max Havelaar Foundation / Utrecht, Netherlands / Est. 1988
Pan Pacific Association of Input-Output Studies / Tokyo, Japan
Production and Operations Management Society / Miami FL, USA / Est. 1989
Association européenne des producteurs de papier décoratif / Osnabrück, Germany / Est. 1999
European Federation of Fire Separating Element Producers
European Profiles and Panels Producers Federation / Est. 1993
Pacific Islands' Producers Association
Commonwealth Producer's Organization / Est. 1916
European Association of Syrups Producers
Latin American Association of Glass Producers / Montevideo, Uruguay / Est. 1963
International Council of Producers' Organizations
Asociación Latinoamericana de Fabricantes de Tableros y Fibras de Maderas y Similares / Bogota, Colombia
Nordiske Møbelproducenters Råd
Scandinavian Committee on Production Engineering Research / Est. 1968
European Organization of Plastic Technical Parts Producers / Est. 1976
Organization of Gas Producing Countries / Est. 2007
Arab Paint and Coating Producers Association
Global Seafood Ratings Alliance
European Association of Bead and Lath Producers / Zwevegem, Belgium
International Symposium on Environmental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Minerals Production
International Conference on Goat Production and Disease / Logan UT, USA
Memorandum of Agreement Relating to the Production and Marketing of Wheat / Est. 1942
Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mines and on Their Destruction / Est. 1997
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological - Biological - and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction / Est. 1972
Agreement on Collaboration in the Development and Exploitation of the Gas Centrifuge Process for Producing Enriched Uranium / Est. 1970
Protocole D'accord entre les Pays Producteurs de Café de la Zone Franc / Est. 1960
Protocol for Limiting and Regulating the Cultivation of the Poppy Plant, the Production Of, International and Wholesale Trade In, and Use of Opium / Est. 1953
UNEP-DTIE Cleaner Production / Est. 1990
International Union of Fertilizer Producers
Organisation des producteurs de ciment / Est. 1991
African Oilseeds Producers' Organization
Union européenne des producteurs de toiles métalliques
European Producers of Formulated Preservatives
Association du Benelux des producteurs de plâtre et plaques de plâtre enrobé
Asian Network on Sericulture Research and Development / Bangkok, Thailand / Est. 1989
Council of Producers' Associations of Non-aligned Countries
Centre régional de production de matériel de lecture pour l'Asie méridionale
Atelier européen d'apprentissage et de production des arts de la scène / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1992

View all profiles (387 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Production

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Crude petroleum production underdevelopment
Outdated production line methods
Tropical deforestation
Elimination of jobs by automation
Protectionism in agriculture and the food production industries
Stagnated development of agricultural production
Trade barriers against developing countries
Global economic stagnation
Environmental hazards of industrialization
Inadequate production capacity
Underuse of high productivity methods of agricultural management
Seasonal fluctuations in food production
Instability of production of food and live animals
Agricultural risks
Unethical practices in the apparel industry
Unstable supply of raw materials
Unsustainable cultivation of long-lifed trees
Internationalization of capitalist production
War-time disruption of economies and production facilities
Underdevelopment of the pharmaceutical industry
Elitist control of production
Risks in power production
Reduction in demand for primary commodities due to technological change
Cannabis crops
Environmental hazards of cotton production

Action Strategies relating to Production

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Assessing role of ecosystems in producing goods for sustainable development
Increasing crop diversity
Registering professionals
Monitoring farming production
Producing universal declaration on sustainability
Producing declaration on habitat preservation
Monitoring chemical industry
Introducing carbon taxes
Reporting on global environmental status
Monitoring steel industry
Generating electricity from organic wastes
Developing beer technology
Monitoring engineering industry
Producing directory on sustainable development
Monitoring timber production
Expanding international education and training programmes for cleaner production
Adapting environmental policies to changes in production and trade
Assessing urban energy production and consumption patterns
Displacing manpower with information technology
Describing need for production schemes
Producing planetary synthesis
Securing access to media for third world productions
Tackling food deficiencies caused by production shortfalls
Changing consumption patterns
Managing water resources for sustainable rural development

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