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Society → Family


Family is a group of people related either by consanguinity or affinity. It forms the basis for social order. Ideally, families offer predictability, structure, and safety as members mature and learn to participate in the community. Historically, most human societies use family as the primary purpose of attachment, nurturance, and socialization.

– syndicated content from Wikipedia

Organizations relating to Family

International Family Doctors Association
Centre for African Family Studies / Nairobi, Kenya / Est. 1975
European Coordination for Foreigners' Right to Family Life / Est. 1993
European Network for Prevention and Health Promotion in Family Medicine and General Practice / Ljubljana, Slovenia / Est. 1996
World Council of the Marianist Family / Rome, Italy / Est. 1996
Link - Liaison - Enlace Committee / Est. 1997
Center of Arab Women for Training and Research, Tunis / Tunis, Tunisia / Est. 1993
International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers / Guerneville CA, USA / Est. 2004
International Family Forestry Alliance / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2002
Red Europea de Institutos de la Familia / Barcelona, Spain / Est. 1995
Victory Outreach International / Chula Vista CA, USA / Est. 1967
The Family International / Est. 1969
Family of the Americas Foundation / Est. 1979
Families Anonymous / Des Plaines IL, USA / Est. 1971
International Confederation of Christian Family Movements / Est. 1966
New Families Movement / Rome, Italy / Est. 1967
World Family of Radio Maria / Casciago, Italy / Est. 1998
European Forum for Human Rights and Family / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1998
Save a Family Plan / London ON, Canada / Est. 1965
Grandmothers for Peace International / Elk Grove CA, USA / Est. 1982
Home-Start International / London, UK
Worldwide Family of God Churches / Harare, Zimbabwe
Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos / Cuernavaca, Mexico / Est. 1954
Diobass, écologie et société / Nivelles, Belgium / Est. 1996
Future Generations / Franklin WV, USA / Est. 1992
Family Planet / Est. 1999
International Immigrants Foundation / New York NY, USA / Est. 1973
International Student Exchange Programs / Mirabel QC, Canada / Est. 1976
Families of the Missing / Brooklyn NY, USA / Est. 2003
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1996
Union de Escuelas Familiares Agrarias / Madrid, Spain / Est. 1978
Union nationale des maisons familiales rurales d'éducation et d'orientation / Paris, France / Est. 1942
Howard Center for Family, Religion and Society / Rockford IL, USA / Est. 1997
Karl Kübel Foundation for Child and Family / Bensheim, Germany / Est. 1972
W K Kellogg Foundation / Battle Creek MI, USA / Est. 1930
Fondation des maisons familiales rurales dans le monde / Paris, France
Family Care Foundation / Spring Valley CA, USA / Est. 1997
Instituto Internacional de Estudios sobre la Familia / Est. 2008
Family Watch International / Gilbert AZ, USA / Est. 1999
Global Family for Love and Peace / Flushing NY, USA
Lumos Foundation / London, UK
International Center for Work and Family / Barcelona, Spain / Est. 2004
Asian Academy of Family Therapy / Hong Kong, Hong Kong
World Organization for the Family
Family of Love, 1540
International Confederation for Family Support / Est. 1996
European Federation for the Family
International Institute of Family Pedagogics / Est. 1930
International Scientific Commission on the Family / Est. 1963
Commission internationale des congrès d'éducation familiale / Est. 1905

View all profiles (382 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Family

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Educational gap between generations
Weakening of family ties
Unknown relatives
Unfulfilled grandparents
Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia
Proliferation of sports utility vehicles
Health hazards of passive smoking
Increasing number of step-families
Marital instability
Inadequate maternal and child health care
Family violence
Inadequate care for children of prisoners
Family feuds
Abandoned elderly
Family rejection of children
Unbalanced family diets
Deteriorating social environments for raising children
Irresponsibility of young people towards the family
Discrimination against men in parental rights
Extension of the family life-cycle
Limited social guidance from older generations
Parochial family responsibility
Unethical practices of relatives of leaders
Decline of human relationship to nature
Denial of the right to procreate

Action Strategies relating to Family

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Developing international competence in population planning
Ensuring a healthy environment
Rearing rabbits for consumption
Designing sex education programmes
Resisting domestic violence
Reviewing personal status laws
Collating household statistics
Advocating intergenerational equity
Establishing dual-income families
Reconciling professional and family life
Sharing family responsibilities
Providing assistance to single parents
Promoting paternal involvement in child rearing
Strengthening the family to prevent alcoholism
Organizing family funerals
Supporting very small scale economic activities
Cultivating home gardens
Forming single-parent families
Building family decision making structures
Promoting alternative living arrangements
Apologizing to future generations
Promoting participation of the disabled in family life
Assessing effects on farm families of technical innovation
Providing short-term rural employment for drought affected families

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