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Organizations relating to Individuals

Association internationale de recherche scientifique en faveur des personnes handicapées mentales / Orsay, France / Est. 1988
Bali Process on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime / Bangkok, Thailand / Est. 2002
African Peer Review Mechanism Panel of Eminent Persons / Midrand, South Africa
International Catholic Foundation for the Service of Deaf Persons / Landover Hills MD, USA / Est. 1971
Sri Aurobindo Society / Puducherry, India / Est. 1960
Institute for Individual and World Peace / Los Angeles CA, USA / Est. 1982
Ligue des droits de la personne humaine dans la région des Grands-Lacs / Kigali, Rwanda / Est. 1993
International Bureau for the Suppression of Traffic in Persons / Est. 1899
International Movement for Atlantic Union / Est. 1958
International Network of Religious Against Trafficking in Persons / Rome, Italy / Est. 2007
Federazione Internazionale dei Centri ed Istituti di Bioetica di Ispirazione Personalista / Rome, Italy
Association Européenne de promotion des droits et de soutien des Personnes en Situation de Fragilité / Paris, France
Association de Langue Française des Psychologues Spécialisés pour Personnes Handicapées Visuelles / Reims, France / Est. 1969
Lindisfarne Association / Crestone CO, USA / Est. 1972
Office chrétien des personnes handicapées / Paris, France / Est. 1963
Convention Concerning the Reciprocal Grant of Assistance to Distressed Persons / Est. 1951
Convention Concerning Compulsory Invalidity Insurance for Persons Employed in Industrial or Commercial Undertakings, in the Liberal Professions, and for Outworkers and Domestic Servants / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1933
Convention Concerning the Restriction of Night Work of Children and Young Persons in Non-industrial Occupations / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1946
Convention Concerning Medical Examination of Young Persons for Fitness for Employment Underground in Mines / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1965
Inter-American Convention on Personality and Capacity of Juridical Persons in Private International Law / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1984
Agreement Regarding Rules for Recognition of Contribution Periods and Periods of Employment in the Case of Persons Covered by Unemployment Insurance Who Remove from One Country to Another / Est. 1959
Convention Concerning the Night Work of Young Persons Employed in Industry, 1948 / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1948
Protocol 1 Annexed to the Universal Copyright Convention Concerning the Application of That Convention to Works of Stateless Persons and Refugees, 1971 / Paris, France / Est. 1971
Agreement Concerning the Carriage of Persons and Goods by Road, 1958 / Est. 1958
Inter-American Convention on Domicile of Natural Persons in Private International Law / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1979
Convention Concerning Compulsory Old-age Insurance for Persons Employed in Agricultural Undertakings / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1933
Inter-American Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1999
Convention Concerning Medical Examination of Children and Young Persons for Fitness for Employment in Non-industrial Occupations / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1946
Convention Concerning Compulsory Old-age Insurance for Persons Employed in Industrial or Commercial Undertakings, in the Liberal Professions, and for Outworkers and Domestic Servants / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1933
Agreement on the Conveyance in Transit of Deported Persons / Est. 1965
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes Against Internationally Protected Persons, Including Diplomatic Agents / Est. 1973
Convention Respecting the Rights and Duties of Neutral Powers and Persons in War on Land, 1907 / Est. 1907
Convention Respecting Transfers of Insured Persons from One Sick Fund to Another and Respecting Sickness Benefit During Temporary Residence / Est. 1953
Convention to Prevent and Punish the Acts of Terrorism Taking the Form of Crimes Against Persons and Related Extortion That Are of International Significance / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1971
Convention on the Law Applicable to Succession to the Estates of Deceased Persons / The Hague, Netherlands / Est. 1989
Convention, Supplementary to the Warsaw Convention, for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air Performed by a Person other Than the Contracting Carrier / Est. 1961
Agreement Concerning the Carriage of Persons and Goods by Road, 1971 / Est. 1971
Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities / Est. 1992
Convention Fixing the Minimum Age for the Admission of Young Persons to Employment as Trimmers or Stokers / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1921
Convention Concerning the Compulsory Medical Examination of Children and Young Persons Employed at Sea / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1921
Convention Concerning Compulsory Invalidity Insurance for Persons Employed in Agricultural Undertakings / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1933
European Agreement Concerning the Provision of Medical Care to Persons During Temporary Residence / Est. 1980
Convention Concerning the International Administration of the Estates of Deceased Persons / The Hague, Netherlands / Est. 1973
Convention Concerning the Night Work of Young Persons Employed in Industry, 1919 / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1919
Agreement between the Governments of the Kingdom of Belgium, of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, on the One Hand, and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, on the other Hand, Concerning the Re-admission of Persons Who Have Entered or Resided Illegally / Est. 1992
Protocol 1 Annexed to the Universal Copyright Convention Concerning the Application of That Convention to the Works of Stateless Persons and Refugees, 1952 / Paris, France / Est. 1952
Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others / Est. 1949
Convention for the Exchange of Information as to the Antecedents of Persons Dangerous to Society / Est. 1905
Inter-American Convention on Forced Disappearance of Persons / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1994
Agreement on the Acceptance of Persons at the Frontier / Est. 1965

View all profiles (141 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Individuals

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Ageing of world population
Uncontrolled satellite broadcasting
Social isolation
Unbridled individualism
Discrimination against HIV-infected persons
Traffic in persons
Personal wealth
Restrictions on international freedom of movement for national advantage
Discrimination against people with dwarfism and little people

Action Strategies relating to Individuals

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Protecting children's rights
Promoting contraceptive use
Protecting individual rights
Striving towards a good society
Setting individual context for meaningful involvement
Educating whole person
Promoting welfare of persons belonging to minorities
Providing medical care to persons with disabilities
Providing support services for persons with disabilities
Delineating frame of personal growth
Rehearsing individual story
Trafficking in persons
Creating high-level advisory board of eminent persons knowledgeable about environment and development
Equalizing opportunities for persons with disabilities
Suppressing traffic in persons
Expressing individual position
Employing the disabled
Sponsoring a child
Promoting self-responsibility
Adapting productive work to the needs of the person
Appealing to the moral potential of the person
Advancing person and society as a whole
Encouraging individual production efforts
Rehabilitating the handicapped
Observing key individual events

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