Society → Adults
Organizations relating to Adults
European Society for Research in Adult Development / Est. 2011
Federación Iberoamericana de Asociaciones de Personas Adultas Mayores / Santander, Spain
Active 20-30 International / Napa CA, USA / Est. 1961
ProLiteracy Worldwide / Syracuse NY, USA / Est. 2002
Union internationale pour la formation technique et culturelle des adultes / Est. 1949
Society for the Promotion of Adult Literacy in Africa / Est. 1968
Nordisk Konservativ Studienämnd / Gothenburg, Sweden / Est. 1954
World Adult Kickball Association / Est. 1998
International Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Women of Full Age / Est. 1933
Convention on the International Protection of Adults / The Hague, Netherlands / Est. 2000
Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Women of Full Age / Est. 1947
International Institute for Policy, Practice and Research in the Education of Adults
Mouvement adultes chrétiens dans le monde rural, Paris
Africa Council for Adult and Continuing Education / Nairobi, Kenya
International Network for Adult Learners with Disabilities
Voks Naer
International Institute of Science Adult and Continuing Education
Ibero-American Association of Older Adults
Groupe de recherche européen en placement familial / Nantes, France / Est. 1990
Réseau européen de centres de formation d'adultes / Nice, France
International Symposium on Childhood, Adolescent and Young Adult Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
International Research Network on Transitions to Adulthood from Care
Commonwealth Association for the Education and Training of Adults / Est. 1985
International Training Centre on Human Rights and Peace Teaching, Geneva / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1984
International Federation of Rural Adult Catholic Movements / Assesse, Belgium / Est. 1964
Global AYA Accord / London, UK / Est. 2016
European Society for Movement Analysis in Adults and Children / Prague, Czechia / Est. 1992
Nordic Network for Adult Learning / Aarhus, Denmark / Est. 2005
European Association for the Education of Adults / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1953
Institut Africain pour le Développement Economique et Social - Centre Africain de Formation / Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire / Est. 1977
Adult Children of Alcoholics - World Service Organization
European Society for Research on the Education of Adults / Bonn, Germany / Est. 1991
View all profiles (50 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Adults
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialUnemployment
Generation communication gap
Social disaffection of the young
Inadequate guardianship for mentally retarded adults
Male mid-life crisis
Denial of right of juvenile criminals to segregation from adult criminals
Loneliness in adults
Action Strategies relating to Adults
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialEducating about diarrhoeal diseases
Educating about respiratory illness
Educating adults on prevention of communicable diseases
Soliciting increased adult support
Educating for adult development
Establishing regular adult learning
Organizing supportive adult engagement
Reinforcing established adults
Developing enjoyable adult sports
Organizing supportive adult auxiliary
Ensuring effectively equipped adults
Guarding standards of sexual behaviour for adults
Introducing adult literacy classes
Ensuring active adult participation
Building practical skills development
Cultivating skills in community responsibility
Fostering capable adult leadership
Creating community youth participation
Teaching adult communication skills
Providing adult leadership tools
Initiating adult evening school
Training broad adult leadership
Offering adult basic studies
Providing formal adult training
Expanding general adult prowess
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