Plant Life → Trees
Organizations relating to Trees
Association for Tree-Ring Research / Wageningen, Netherlands / Est. 2002
EverGreen Agriculture Partnership / Nairobi, Kenya / Est. 2012
Trees for the Future / Silver Spring MD, USA / Est. 1989
CEDAR Fund / Hong Kong, Hong Kong / Est. 1991
Tree of Peace Society / Hogansburg NY, USA / Est. 1984
Food and Trees for Africa / Johannesburg, South Africa / Est. 1990
Walking Tree Travel / Denver CO, USA
Latin American Network against Monoculture Tree Plantations
Trees On-Farm Network
International Willow Collectors / Nashville TN, USA / Est. 1988
Ancient Tree Forum / Bristol, UK / Est. 1993
Tree Pest Management Network for Central, Eastern and Southern Africa / Nairobi, Kenya
International Chestnut Commission / Est. 1951
Forest, Farm and Community Tree Network / Est. 1981
Association européenne des producteurs de sapins de Noël
Bull Foundation / Est. 1993
Tree Society of Southern Africa / Johannesburg, South Africa / Est. 1946
Union for the Imported Softwood Trade of the EEC / Est. 1960
European-Asian Network for the Development of Strategies to Enhance the Sustainable Use of Sea Buckthorn
International Tree Project Clearinghouse
International Centre for Research and Training on Sea Buckthorn / Beijing, China
Forestry Research Support Programme for Asia and the Pacific
Africa Tree Centre / Est. 1978
Cedar International / The Hague, Netherlands / Est. 2000
World Tree Trust
Farm and Community Tree Association
Forests, Trees and People Network
Network of National Mangrove Committees
South Pacific Forestry Development Programme / Est. 1992
Association silva, arbres, forêts et sociétés / Paris, France / Est. 1986
Action for Mangrove Reforestation / Tokyo, Japan / Est. 1992
Okinawa International Association for Mangroves / Okinawa, Japan
Tree Technology International / New York NY, USA
Carrefour des cèdres / Montréal QC, Canada / Est. 1979
European Chestnut Network
International Teak Information Network / Thrissur, India / Est. 1995
Ondernemers Zonder Grenzen / Boechout, Belgium
International Tree Foundation / Oxford, UK / Est. 1924
European Boxwood and Topiary Society / Court-Saint-Etienne, Belgium / Est. 1996
Fédération Internationale de l'Arbre / Espalion, France / Est. 2015
International Society of Arboriculture / Est. 1924
Greens of Africa Foundation / Nairobi, Kenya / Est. 2017
European Arboricultural Council / Bad Honnef, Germany / Est. 1993
International Society for Mangrove Ecosystems / Okinawa, Japan / Est. 1990
International Oak Society / Mercer Island WA, USA / Est. 1985
International Commission on Poplars and Other Fast-Growing Trees Sustaining People and the Environment / Rome, Italy / Est. 1947
Oak Foundation / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1983
Mangroves for the Future / Bangkok, Thailand / Est. 2006
Tree-Ring Society / Loveland CO, USA / Est. 1935
View all profiles (72 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Trees
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialThreatened dwarf-shrubland habitats
Threatened mangrove wetland habitats
Inappropriate tree plantations
Forest decline
Threatened tropical humid forest biome
Destruction of hedges and hedgerow trees
Inadequate agroforestry
Threatened cool temperate wet forest habitats
Threatened trees
Pests and diseases of oak
Threatened shrubland habitats
Threatened tropical dry forest habitats
Pests and diseases of deciduous fruit
Pests and diseases of chestnut
Pests and diseases of trees
Threatened urban trees
Threatened broad-leaved deciduous woodland habitats
Threatened ecosystems of Mediterranean sclerophyll woodland
Action Strategies relating to Trees
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialPreserving old growth forests
Practicing silviculture
Planting trees
Identifying more productive strains of fast growing trees
Using forested resources
Protecting trees
Creating tree plantations
Promoting planting of urban trees
Disseminating information on agroforestry
Researching trees
Improving agroforestry practices by clarifying land tenure
Farming with multipurpose tree species
Planting exotic plant species
Growing nitrogen-fixing plants
Managing non-timber forest resources
Using tree-based subsistence farming
Promoting environmentally friendly paper products
Conserving species of trees
Growing palms
Conserving endangered species of tree kangaroo
Educating about trees
Conserving Klamath-Siskiyou coniferous forest ecoregion
Conserving Sierra Nevada conifer forest ecoregion
Conserving Eastern Himalayan broadleaf and conifer forest ecoregion
Growing olive trees
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