Global Civil Society & the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

Industries, Innovation & Infrastructure

Goal 9 seeks to build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.

Economic growth, social development and climate action are heavily dependent on investments in infrastructure, sustainable industrial development and technological progress. In the face of a rapidly changing global economic landscape and increasing inequalities, sustained growth must include industrialization that first of all, makes opportunities accessible to all people, and second, is supported by innovation and resilient infrastructure.

Even before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, global manufacturing – considered an engine of overall economic growth – has been steadily declining due to tariffs and trade tensions. The manufacturing decline caused by the pandemic has further caused serious impacts on the global economy.

This is primarily due to high inflation, energy price shocks, persistent disruptions in the supply of raw materials and intermediate goods, and global economic deceleration.

While LDCs in Asia have made considerable progress, African LDCs would need to change the current trajectory and accelerate progress significantly to attain the target by 2030. However, medium-high and high-technology industries demonstrated robust growth rates.

Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II

World Shiology Forum

WSF 2017 Beijing China J

World Ship Society

WSS 1947 Mitcham UK F

World Ship Trust

1979 London UK N f

World Silambam Association

WSA 1999 Petaling Jaya Malaysia G

World Society for Transport and Land Use Research

WSTLUR Montréal QC Canada C

World Society of Sustainable Energy Technologies

WSSET 2002 Nottingham UK C

world stainless association

worldstainless 1995 Brussels Belgium F y

World Steel Association

worldsteel 1967 Brussels Belgium C t

World Technopolis Association

WTA 1997 Daejeon Korea Rep C

World Telecommunication Forum


World Telecommunication Policy Forum

WTPF Geneva Switzerland S cg

World Tourism Network

WTN 2020 Honolulu HI USA B y

World Trade Organization

WTO 1995 Geneva Switzerland B gt

World Transporter Bridges Association

2003 D

World Union Saint Gabriel

1953 Teplicka nad Vahom Slovakia F

World Universities Debating Council

WUDC 1981 E

World Vision International

WVI 1950 London UK B

World War I Aeroplanes

1961 Red Hook NY USA N

World Water Council

WWC 1996 Marseille France C y

World Waterpark Association

WWA 1980 Overland Park KS USA G

World Wide Web Consortium

W3C 1994 E

World Wide Web Foundation

2009 Washington DC USA F f

World Wind Energy Association

WWEA 2001 Bonn Germany C yt

World Women Inventors and Entrepreneurs Association

WWIEA 2008 Seoul Korea Rep C


London UK E y

Worlddidac Association

1952 Bern Switzerland C y


1975 Bayan Lepas Malaysia E

Worldscale Association

1969 London UK F e

Worldwide Airline Customer Relations Association

WACRA 1969 Vallejo CA USA D

Worldwide Airport Coordinators Group

WWACG Paray-Vieille-Poste France E

Worldwide Broker Network

WBN 1989 San Francisco CA USA C

Worldwide CDIO Initiative

Gothenburg Sweden F y

Worldwide DX Club

1966 Bad Homburg Germany G

Worldwide Ferry Safety Association

WFSA 2008 Brooklyn NY USA D

Worldwide Innovative Networking

WIN Villejuif France F

Worldwide Life Quality Enhancement Association

Martigny Switzerland G

Worldwide Network of the Experiment in International Living

Federation EIL 1932 Washington DC USA F y

Worldwide Partners Alliance

WPA 2010 Kowloon Hong Kong J

Worldwide Quality EXpress System /Network/

WQXS Network 1995 Brussels Belgium F

Worldwide TV-FM DX Association

1961 Somersville CT USA N


1991 Bainbridge Island WA USA N

WPC Energy

1933 London UK F

X.Org Foundation

2004 N f


1997 Geneva Switzerland G

Young Asian Biological Engineers’ Community


Young Engineers of ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organisations

YEAFEO 1993 Petaling Jaya Malaysia E

Young European Leadership

YEL Brussels Belgium F

Young Phycological Society International

YPSI 2012 Chennai India D

YoungShip International


Youth For Public Transport

Y4PT 2009 Sint-Jans-Molenbeek Belgium F
