Global Civil Society & the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Goal 8 is about promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all.

Multiple crises are placing the global economy under serious threat. Global real GDP per capita growth is forecast to slow down in 2023 and with ever increasing challenging economic conditions, more workers are turning to informal employment.

Globally, labour productivity has increased and the unemployment rate has decreased. However, more progress is needed to increase employment opportunities, especially for young people, reduce informal employment and labour market inequality (particularly in terms of the gender pay gap), promote safe and secure working environments, and improve access to financial services to ensure sustained and inclusive economic growth.

The global unemployment rate declined significantly in 2022, falling to 5.4 per cent from a peak of 6.6 per cent in 2020 as economies began recovering from the shock of the COVID-19 pandemic. This rate was lower than the pre-pandemic level of 5.5 per cent in 2019.

Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II

Fédération internationale des associations de personnes âgées

FIAPA 1980 Paris France D

Fédération internationale des entreprises de nettoyage

FIDEN 1956 Munich Germany D

Fédération internationale des grossistes importateurs et exportateurs en fournitures automobiles

FIGIEFA 1956 Brussels Belgium D t

Fédération Internationale des Petits Frères des Pauvres

FIPFP 1979 Paris France F

Fédération Internationale Sport pour Tous

FISpT 1982 Manama Bahrain B

Fédération internationale syndicale de l'enseignement

FISE 1946 B y

Federation of African National Insurance Companies

1976 Dakar Senegal D

Federation of Arab Businessmen

1997 Amman Jordan D

Federation of Arab Contractors

FAC Cairo Egypt D

Federation of ASEAN Economic Associations

FAEA 1976 Jakarta Indonesia E

Federation of Asian and Oceania Pest Managers Associations

FAOPMA 1989 Hendra QLD Australia D

Federation of Asian and Pacific Electrical Contractors Associations

FAPECA 1986 Seoul Korea Rep D

Federation of Asian Institute of Management Alumni Associations

FAIM 1978 Makati Philippines E

Federation of Business Information Services

FEBIS 1973 Hamburg Germany D

Federation of Centers for Migration Studies G B Scalabrini

FCMS 1964 New York NY USA E y

Federation of Euro-Asian Stock Exchanges

FEAS 1995 Yerevan Armenia D y

Federation of European Aquaculture Producers

FEAP 1968 Brussels Belgium D t

Federation of European Credit Management Associations

FECMA 1986 Utrecht Netherlands D

Federation of European Ergonomics Societies

FEES 2003 Toulouse France D

Federation of European Manufacturers of Ingredients to the Bakery, Confectionery and Patisserie Industries

FEDIMA 1969 Brussels Belgium E t

Federation of European National Statistical Societies

FENStatS Luxembourg Luxembourg D

Federation of European Private Port Companies and Terminals

FEPORT 1993 Brussels Belgium D

Federation of European Risk Management Associations

FERMA 1974 Brussels Belgium D

Federation of European Securities Exchanges

FESE 1974 Brussels Belgium D

Federation of European Social Employers

FESE 2017 Brussels Belgium D

Federation of Indian Export Organizations

FIEO Delhi India N

Federation of Mining and Metallurgical Workers' Unions of the Commonwealth of Independent States

Moscow Russia D

Federation of Regional Growth Actors in Europe

FEDRA Brussels Belgium D

Federation of Staff Associations of United Nations and its Specialized Agencies in the Philippines

FUNAP 1983 Makati Philippines G

Federation of the European Sporting Goods Industry

FESI 1964 Brussels Belgium D t

Federation of Timber and Related Industries Workers' Unions of the Commonwealth of Independent States

Moscow Russia D t

Fédération panafricaine des employés

FPE 1997 Lomé Togo D

Fellowship for African Relief

FAR 1984 Khartoum Sudan G

Femconsult - Consultants on Gender and Development

1985 The Hague Netherlands G

Feminist Articulation Marcosur

FAM 2000 Montevideo Uruguay F y

Femise Network

1997 Marseille France F y

Femmes chefs d'entreprises mondiales

FCEM 1945 Charenton France C

Fernand Braudel Institute of World Economics

1987 Sao Paulo Brazil G j

Fertilizers Europe

1988 Brussels Belgium D t

FIAN International

1986 Heidelberg Germany F

Fida International

1927 Helsinki Finland G

FIDI Global Alliance

1950 Zaventem Belgium B

Fields of Life Trust

1995 Lisburn UK G

Fighting Infectious Diseases in Emerging Countries


Filles de la Providence de Sainte-Thérèse

1822 Avesnes-sur-Helpe France R

Filles de Sainte Marie du Jardin

Gianellines 1829 Rome Italy R

Final Act of the United Nations Conference on Customs Formalities for the Temporary Importation of Private Road Motor Vehicles and for Tourism

1954 T g

Final Articles Revision Convention

1946 Geneva Switzerland T g

Final Protocol of a Conference for the Unification of Allied Economic Action

1916 T g

Financial Engineering and Banking Society

FEBS 2010 Chania Greece G
