Global Civil Society & the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Climate Action

Every person, in every country in every continent will be impacted in some shape or form by climate change. There is a climate cataclysm looming, and we are underprepared for what this could mean.

Climate change is caused by human activities and threatens life on earth as we know it. With rising greenhouse gas emissions, climate change is occurring at rates much faster than anticipated. Its impacts can be devastating and include extreme and changing weather patterns and rising sea levels.

If left unchecked, climate change will undo a lot of the development progress made over the past years. It will also provoke mass migrations that will lead to instability and wars.

To limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre- industrial levels, emissions must already be decreasing and need to be cut by almost half by 2030, just six years away. But, we are drastically off track from this target.

Urgent and transformative actions going beyond mere plans and promises are crucial. It requires raising ambition, covering entire economies and moving towards climate-resilient development, while outlining a clear path to achieve net-zero emissions. Immediate measures are necessary to avoid catastrophic consequences and secure a sustainable future for generations to come.

Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II

New Development Bank

NDB 2014 Shanghai China E g


2011 Los Angeles CA USA J

NGO-UNESCO Liaison Committee

Paris France E y

Nomura Center for Lifelong Integrated Education

NCLIE 1962 Tokyo Japan N

Non-Aligned Movement Centre for South-South Technical Cooperation

NAM CSSTC 1995 Jakarta Indonesia E g

Nordic Biochar Network

2018 Trondheim Norway F

Nordic Cacti Society

1965 Køge Denmark D v

Nordic Council

NC 1952 Copenhagen Denmark D g

Nordic Council of Ministers

NCM 1971 Copenhagen Denmark D g

Nordic Development Fund

NDF 1989 Helsinki Finland F fg

Nordic Edge

2015 Stavanger Norway G c

Nordic Institute for Interoperability Solutions

NIIS 2017 Tallinn Estonia G bg

Nordic Meteorological Meeting

S c

Nordic Mutual Emergency Assistance Agreement in Connection with Radiation Accidents

1973 T g

Nordic Travel Retail Group

NTRG Hellerup Denmark D

Nordisk Institutt for Studier av Innovasjon, Forskning og Utdanning

NIFU 1996 Oslo Norway G




1983 S g

North Atlantic Ocean Weather Stations Agreement

1949 T g

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NATO 1949 Brussels Belgium C g

North Sea Foundation

1980 Utrecht Netherlands G f

Northern European Conference on Travel Medicine

NECTM 2006 S c

Norwegian Refugee Council

NRC 1946 Oslo Norway G

Nubian Vault Association

2000 Ganges France F

Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee

NuPECC 1988 Garching Germany F v

Nuru International

Washington DC USA G

Objectif Sciences International

OSI 1992 Geneva Switzerland F

Observatoire du Sahara et du Sahel

OSS 1992 Tunis Tunisia F gy

Observatoire méditerranéen de l'énergie

OME 1988 Paris France D

Observatorio Latinoamericano de Conflictos Ambientales, Chile

OLCA Santiago Chile G

Observatorio Sismológico del Sur Occidente

OSSO 1987 Cali Colombia G y

Ocean Observations Panel for Climate

OOPC Paris France E

Oceano Azul Foundation

Lisbon Portugal G f

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

OHCHR 1945 Geneva Switzerland E g

OIC Ministerial Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation

COMSTECH 1981 Islamabad Pakistan E g

Oikosnet Europe - Ecumenical Association of Academies and Laity Centres in Europe

EAALCE 1956 Sigtuna Sweden D

Oil and Gas Climate Initiative

OGCI 2014 J

Ondernemers Zonder Grenzen

OZG Boechout Belgium G f

One Planet Business for Biodiversity

OP2B 2019 Geneva Switzerland E

One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership

UN CC:Learn 2009 Geneva Switzerland F y

One World Trust

OWT 1951 London UK G f

OneWorld South Asia

OWSA 1999 Delhi India K

Open Partial Agreement on the Prevention of, Protection against and Organization of Relief in Major Natural and Technological Disasters

EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement 1987 Strasbourg France F g

OpenStreetMap Foundation

2006 Cambridge UK F f

OpenWIS Association

2015 Brussels Belgium C

Operation USA

1979 Los Angeles CA USA G


2014 L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue France E

ORA International

1981 Korbach Germany G

Organisation Mondiale des Experts

OMEX Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire J

Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States

OECS 1981 Castries St Lucia D g
