Global Civil Society & the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 4: Quality Education

Quality Education

Progress towards quality education was already slower than required before the pandemic, but COVID-19 has had devastating impacts on education, causing learning losses in four out of five of the 104 countries studied.

Without additional measures, an estimated 84 million children and young people will stay out of school by 2030 and approximately 300 million students will lack the basic numeracy and literacy skills necessary for success in life.

In addition to free primary and secondary schooling for all boys and girls by 2030, the aim is to provide equal access to affordable vocational training, eliminate gender and wealth disparities, and achieve universal access to quality higher education.

Education is the key that will allow many other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be achieved. When people are able to get quality education they can break from the cycle of poverty.

Education helps to reduce inequalities and to reach gender equality. It also empowers people everywhere to live more healthy and sustainable lives. Education is also crucial to fostering tolerance between people and contributes to more peaceful societies.

To deliver on Goal 4, education financing must become a national investment priority. Furthermore, measures such as making education free and compulsory, increasing the number of teachers, improving basic school infrastructure and embracing digital transformation are essential.

Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II

North Pacific Research Board

NPRB 1997 Anchorage AK USA G g

North-South Media Encounters

NSME 1985 Geneva Switzerland S c

Northern Dimension

ND 1999 F g

Northern Dimension Institute

NDI 2009 Aalto Finland E j

Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture

NDPC Riga Latvia E g

Northern Pharma Network

NPN 2011 Helsinki Finland F

Northern Research Forum

NRF 1999 Akureyri Iceland F

Norwegian Centre for Human Rights

NCHR 1987 Oslo Norway G

Norwegian Nobel Institute

1904 Oslo Norway N j

Norwegian Refugee Council

NRC 1946 Oslo Norway G


1999 Oslo Norway F

Nottingham Centre for Research on Globalisation and Economic Policy

GEP 1999 Nottingham UK G

Novi Most International

1993 Chesham UK G

NPI Africa

1984 Nairobi Kenya G

Nubian Vault Association

2000 Ganges France F

Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee

NuPECC 1988 Garching Germany F v

Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos

NPH 1954 Cuernavaca Mexico G

Nuffield Foundation

1943 London UK G f

Nuffield International - Nuffield Farming Scholarships Trust

Moama NSW Australia F

Nuru International

Washington DC USA G

Nutrition and Education International

NEI 2003 Pasadena CA USA G f

Oak Institute for the Study of International Human Rights

1998 Waterville ME USA N j

OAS Staff Association

1955 Washington DC USA E v

Objectif Tiers-monde

OTM 1975 Luxembourg Luxembourg G

Oblates of St Francis de Sales

OSFS 1875 Rome Italy R j

Observatoire de la Francophonie économique

OFE 2017 Montréal QC Canada G

Observatoire des technologies pour l'éducation en Europe

OTE 1988 G

Observatoire européen des éspaces multimédia

Paris France G

Observatoire interdisciplinaire de création et de recherche en musique

OICRM 2000 Montréal QC Canada N

Observatorio Andino

2002 Lima Peru G

Observatorio Sismológico del Sur Occidente

OSSO 1987 Cali Colombia G y

Observatory for Cultural and Audio-Visual Communication in the Mediterranean

OCCAM 1997 Milan Italy F

Observatory of Cultural Policies in Africa

OCPA 2002 Maputo Mozambique F

Observatory on Values and Education in Humanity

OveHum InterNational G

Occupational Therapy Europe

OT-Europe 2011 Utrecht Netherlands E y

Ocean Policy Research Institute

OPRI 1975 Tokyo Japan G f

Oceania Centre for Arts, Culture and Pacific Studies

OCACPS 1997 Suva Fiji E

Oceania Comparative and International Education Society

OCIES 1973 G

Oceania Fencing Confederation

OFC 1970 Unley SA Australia D

Oceania Gymnastics Union

OGU 2018 Melbourne VIC Australia D

Oceania Sport Information Centre

OSIC 1997 Suva Fiji G

Oceano Azul Foundation

Lisbon Portugal G f

Ockenden International

1951 Woking UK G


1967 Dublin OH USA F

OeAD - Agentur für Bildung und Internationalisierung

OeAD 1961 Vienna Austria G

Oeuvre d'Orient

1856 Paris France G

Oeuvres sociales et éducatives des jésuites au Tiers-Monde

OSEJTM 1966 Brussels Belgium G

Office of Global Affairs, Ewha

OGA 1985 Seoul Korea Rep N

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

OHCHR 1945 Geneva Switzerland E g

Oikos - Cooperação e Desenvolvimento

Oikos 1988 Linda-a-Pastora Portugal G
