Global Civil Society & the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere

No Poverty

Eradicating extreme poverty for all people everywhere by 2030 is a pivotal goal of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Extreme poverty, defined as surviving on less than $2.15 per person per day at 2017 purchasing power parity, has witnessed remarkable declines over recent decades.

However, the emergence of COVID-19 marked a turning point, reversing these gains as the number of individuals living in extreme poverty increased for the first time in a generation by almost 90 million over previous predictions.

Even prior to the pandemic, the momentum of poverty reduction was slowing down. By the end of 2022, nowcasting suggested that 8.4 per cent of the world’s population, or as many as 670 million people, could still be living in extreme poverty. This setback effectively erased approximately three years of progress in poverty alleviation.

If current patterns persist, an estimated 7% of the global population – around 575 million people – could still find themselves trapped in extreme poverty by 2030, with a significant concentration in sub-Saharan Africa.

A shocking revelation is the resurgence of hunger levels to those last observed in 2005. Equally concerning is the persistent increase in food prices across a larger number of countries compared to the period from 2015 to 2019. This dual challenge of poverty and food security poses a critical global concern.

Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II

Family Africa

TFA 2004 Johannesburg South Africa G

Family for Every Child

London UK F

Family Planning 2030

FP2030 2020 Washington DC USA F y

FAO Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Western Region

1971 Rome Italy E g

FAO Desert Locust Control Committee

DLCC 1955 Rome Italy E g


1984 Rome Italy F g

FAO Investment Centre

1964 Rome Italy E g

FAO Regional Office for Africa

FAO/RAF 1958 Accra Ghana E g

FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

RAP 1948 Bangkok Thailand E g

FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

FAO/REU 1947 Budapest Hungary E gy

FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean

FAO/RLC 1955 Santiago Chile E g

FAO Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa

1947 Cairo Egypt E g

FAO-CIHEAM Network on Nuts

1990 Constantí Spain E

FAO-CIHEAM Network on Pastures and Forage Crops

1978 Alcázar de San Juan Spain E

FAO-CIHEAM Network on Sheep and Goats

1979 Tunis Tunisia E

FAO-ICARDA International Technical Cooperation Network on Cactus

CACTUSNET 1993 Santiago Chile E g

Farm Concern International

FCI Nairobi Kenya F

Farm Radio International

1979 Ottawa ON Canada F

Federación de Municipios del Istmo Centroamericano


Federación Internacional de Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones

FIAP Santiago Chile D

Federación Latinoamericana de Ciudades, Municipios y Asociaciones de Gobiernos Locales

FLACMA 1981 Mexico City Mexico D

Federación SETEM

SETEM 1995 Madrid Spain G

Fédération européenne de psychothérapie socio- et somato-analytique

2000 Lipsheim France D

Fédération européenne des retraités et des personnes âgées

FERPA 1993 Brussels Belgium E

Fédération internationale des associations de personnes âgées

FIAPA 1980 Paris France D

Fédération Internationale des Petits Frères des Pauvres

FIPFP 1979 Paris France F

Fédération Internationale Sport pour Tous

FISpT 1982 Manama Bahrain B

Fédération Mondiale des Zones Franches

FEMOZA 1999 Geneva Switzerland F

Federation of African Medical Students' Associations

FAMSA 1968 Ibadan Nigeria D

Federation of Centers for Migration Studies G B Scalabrini

FCMS 1964 New York NY USA E y

Federation of European National Statistical Societies

FENStatS Luxembourg Luxembourg D

Federazione Organismi Cristiani Servizio Internazionale Volontario

Volontari nel Mondo - FOCSIV 1972 Rome Italy G y

Fellowship for African Relief

FAR 1984 Khartoum Sudan G

Femconsult - Consultants on Gender and Development

1985 The Hague Netherlands G

Fida International

1927 Helsinki Finland G

Filles de la Providence de Sainte-Thérèse

1822 Avesnes-sur-Helpe France R

Filles de Sainte Marie du Jardin

Gianellines 1829 Rome Italy R

Fils de la Mère de Dieu Douloureuse

Doloristes 1880 Warsaw Poland R

FIM-Forum for Democratic Global Governance

FIM 1998 Westmount QC Canada F y

Financial Executives International

FEI 1931 Florham Park NJ USA G

FINCA International

1984 Washington DC USA G f

Find Your Feet

FYF 1960 London UK G

FinMark Trust

FMT 2002 Midrand South Africa F f

Finnish League for Human Rights

1979 Helsinki Finland G

Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic

CECAF 1967 Accra Ghana E g

Five Talents International

1998 Vienna VA USA G

Folkekirkens Nødhjaelp

FKN 1922 Copenhagen Denmark G f


Brussels Belgium F f

Fondation Auschwitz - Centre d'études et de documentation

1980 Brussels Belgium N f

Fondation CIOMAL de l'Ordre de Malte

Fondation CIOMAL 1958 Geneva Switzerland E
