- Sometimes it's hard to decipher what UIA exactly does. In short and to oversimplify, UIA provides information to everyone with an interest in international associations. But what is this exactly about? Here we attempt to clarify the role and mission of UIA... and what UIA can do for you.
HeadQuarters Magazine
October, 2008 ❘
EMEA n°29 ❘
In This Issue
September, 2008 ❘
EMEA n°28 ❘
In This Issue
- UIA international meetings statistics for 2007: Stats are no longer static!
- UIA and ICCA stats: Two valuable sources that differ substantially, if it were only because they use different criteria
- The first Academic Session organized by UIA and HQ Magazine
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UIA and HeadQuarters Magazine
The UIA partners with HeadQuarters by contributing articles for the Europe, Middle-East, Africa (EMEA), and the HeadQuarters Asia-Pacific (HAP) editions.
HeadQuarters Magazine serves the needs of association executives dealing with the organization of congresses all over the world. Headquartered in Brussels, where many regional, European, international and worldwide associations are also headquartered, it is a niche magazine written in English.