- UIA: Virtual Conferences - Improve your content, get online
- Thailand with a Vision: Nopparat Maythaveekulchai, TCEB's New President
HeadQuarters Magazine
July, 2013 ❘
HAP n°14 ❘
In This Issue
June, 2013 ❘
EMEA n°55 ❘
In This Issue
- UIA: Virtual Conferences - Improve your content, get online
- ESAE: How to Leverage Your Conference Content - The example of the European Association Summit
May, 2013 ❘
EMEA n°54 ❘
In This Issue
- International Aids Society: Being Socially and Environmentally Aware
- ESAE: What is a Sustainable Association?
April, 2013 ❘
HAP n°13 ❘
In This Issue
- UIA: Choosing the Right Venues
- Darren Ng: A Driving Force in the Asian-Pacific Meetings Industry
March, 2013 ❘
EMEA n°53 ❘
In This Issue
- UIA: Finding the Right Venues
- EMEA: Venue Finding - Not Just About Logistics
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UIA and HeadQuarters Magazine
The UIA partners with HeadQuarters by contributing articles for the Europe, Middle-East, Africa (EMEA), and the HeadQuarters Asia-Pacific (HAP) editions.
HeadQuarters Magazine serves the needs of association executives dealing with the organization of congresses all over the world. Headquartered in Brussels, where many regional, European, international and worldwide associations are also headquartered, it is a niche magazine written in English.