HeadQuarters Magazine

September, 2015  ❘  EMEA n°67  ❘ 
In This Issue
  • UIA’s 2014 Meeting Statistics
  • ESAE: One step motivation: think ‘persona’ for your social media
July, 2015  ❘  HAP n°22  ❘ 
In This Issue
  • New Membership Models and Original Foundations: How current options reinforce association fundamentals, by Joel Fischer, UIA
  • Nikki Walker: Helping Associations Grow and Perform
June, 2015  ❘  EMEA n°66  ❘ 
In This Issue
  • UIA: New Membership Models and Original Foundations - How current options reinforce association fundamentals
  • ESAE: Membership - Association Confidential
May, 2015  ❘  EMEA n°65  ❘ 
In This Issue
  • Fostering Transformational Partnerships to Meet Global Targets for Health
  • ESAE: Global Alliances Are cross-sector partnerships possible for associations?
April, 2015  ❘  HAP n°21  ❘ 
In This Issue
  • UIA Associations Round Tables - What They Can Offer
  • Interview: Jeannie Lim - Singapore's Appeal As a Business Events Destination



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UIA and HeadQuarters Magazine

The UIA partners with HeadQuarters by contributing articles for the Europe, Middle-East, Africa (EMEA), and the HeadQuarters Asia-Pacific (HAP) editions.

HeadQuarters Magazine serves the needs of association executives dealing with the organization of congresses all over the world. Headquartered in Brussels, where many regional, European, international and worldwide associations are also headquartered, it is a niche magazine written in English.