UIA Newsroom

22nd of January 2021
4 February
Webinar on recently adopted modifications to the Company and Association Code (CAC), including a session on practical implementation of such changes.
Speakers: Antoine Druetz (Associate Partner) & Alix Degrez (Associate) at EY Law for the legal aspects and Charles-Albert de Radzitzky (CEO) at Spreds for the practical aspects

18 February
Webinar on HR matters under the current circumstances,
22nd of January 2021
UIA CIM World of Associations News released on 15 Jan, featuring:

Message from the UIA President Cyril Ritchie

“Every association will need to rely ever more in 2021 on the involvement and support of its members and partners in order to achieve its goals - especially those that are substantially dependent on voluntary service.”
18th of January 2021

Appel à concourir

Aufruf zur Teilnahme

Call for competition





15th of January 2021

Dear Madam, dear Sir,

5th of January 2021

The UIA welcomes its newest Associate Member, Wesgro.

16th of December 2020

Boardroom and UIA have entered a unique partnership designed to bring high-quality knowledge to association professionals. The partnership will take the combined form of content delivery and promotional activities.



15th of December 2020
This year marks 60 years since the adoption by UNESCO’s General Conference of the Convention against Discrimination in Education: the first and only legally binding international treaty exclusively dedicated to the right to education.

15th of December 2020
The OECD is reaching its 60th Anniversary in a unique and challenging context. As the world confronts the worst health, economic and social crisis since the 1930s, the OECD is once again rising to the challenge to support its Member countries and the global community in their response to the crisis and their efforts to foster a strong, resilient, inclusive and sustainable recovery.

Through its standards, data, analysis and
15th of December 2020
NGO UNESCO Liaison COMMITTEE / Comite de liaison ONG UNESCO

International Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations

16 - 18 December 2020 Envisioning a better and sustainable future
A new paradigm for civil society.
14th of December 2020
practical questions about organizing a meeting? VAT? Insurance? Legal matters? check out this FAQ guide from visit.brussels


News from sources other than the UIA. International organizations listed in the Yearbook of International Organizations, and UIA's members may add their own public news items.

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15th of May 2023

Goyang Special City, co-hosting with ICCA and Korea MICE association, is delighted to organize the second edition of Aisa Pacific Business Events Youth Challenge.
This competition aims to foster young professionals in the business events industry and provisde an exclusive opportunity for participants to take centre stage in showcasing innovatitve and creative ideas.

2nd of May 2023

Renowned as a global organisation committed to enhancing healthcare quality and safety, International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua) brings together a diverse community of members and partners from around the world. As part of its ongoing efforts to advance its mission, ISQua’s 39th International Conference will be held in the vibrant city of Seoul, South Korea from August 27th to 30th, 2023.

30th of April 2023
International Urban Symposium-IUS Conference on "Forms of Inequality and the Legitimacy of Governance", Italy, 28-31 July 2023. This 4-day International Conference is organized by the International Urban Symposium-IUS. Full details are availbale at: https://www.internationalurbansymposium.com/events/2023-2/.
28th of April 2023
on March 2024 ; the on-line meeting will be held for Asian -African society of Mycobacteriology . The participant will be from 120 countries all over the world .They will submit their abstract and the Editorial board will select the best presenter . The congress will be held from 8 in the morning till 6 in the evening and start at 10 to 14 March 2024 .
23rd of April 2023
The United Nations General Assembly has voted to support the Government of Vanuatu’s proposal for an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice on the obligations of States on climate change. More than 130 countries came together to co-sponsor the initiative in a show of global solidarity on climate.
22nd of March 2023

The Finns have long been considered to lead one of the happiest lifestyles, resulting in Finland having been named the happiest country in the world by the United Nations World Happiness Report in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 – and 2023.

The World Happiness Report research leverages six key factors to help explain variation in self-reported levels of happiness across the world: social support, income, health, freedom, generosity, and absence of corruption.

17th of March 2023
The Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights is pleased to launch its 2023 E-Learning Program on: International Criminal Law, International Cooperation in Criminal Matters, Human Rights and Criminal Justice.
14th of March 2023
Making contacts with the unsaved is one thing. Sharing the gospel is something else. Where Craig & Debbie Borgard (Germany), many people are atheists. The Borgards wanted to elevate the monthly senior brunch conversation to a spiritual level. In October, when the opportunity arose, Debbie told about God’s goodness as she underwent multiple surgeries. They listened attentively. Then an unbeliever spoke up, talking about God, and asking questions. The door was wide open!
14th of March 2023

The III World Forum on Human Rights (FMDH23, for its acronym in Spanish) will take place in Buenos Aires (CABA), Argentina, from March 20 to 24, 2023, with the participation of international and national experts and leaders, organizations and activists.


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