International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Science Across the World

U d XF3737

Science and Technology Advisory Committee for Southeast Asia

Pyongyang Korea DPR U x XE2577

Science and Technology for Development Programme

STD U dg XK0124

Science and Technology for Environmental Protection and European Programme on Climatology and Natural Hazards


Science and Technology for Regional Innovation and Development in Europe

STRIDE Programme 1990 U dg XK0101

Science and Technology Management Arab Regional Network

STEMARN Cairo Egypt U x XK2230

Science Council of the International Vegetarian Union

SCIVU U x XU1766

Science du mental

Roquebrune-Cap Martin France U vx XF8349

Science Education Programme for Africa

SEPA 1965 Nairobi Kenya U x XF3800

Science for Peace and Justice

SFPJ U x XG1320

Science for Peace International Network

SPIN 1985 U dy XF0137

Science Initiative Group

SIG 1998 U d XM1347

Scientific and Technical Information Network

INTERNET 1987 U d XF2294

Scientific Association of Arab Women

SAAW 1978 Giza Egypt U x XG2737

Scientific Ballooning and Radiations Monitoring Organization

SBARMO Saint-Maur France U x XN1778

Scientific Book International

SBI U d XU0709

Scientific Committee for the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme

SC-IGBP 1990 U dy XE0638

Scientific Committee on Biotechnology

COBIOTECH 1986 U dy XE5888

Scientific Committee on Genetic Experimentation

COGENE 1976 U d XE5299

Scientific Committee on Phosphates in Europe

SCOPE 1990 U d XE1518

Scientific Committee on Telecommunications

1990 U d XK1045

Scientific Committee on the Application of Science to Agriculture, Forestry and Aquaculture

CASAFA 1978 U dy XE9981

Scientific Committee on Water Research

COWAR 1964 U dy XE3211

Scientific Committee on Water Research

SCOWAR 1993 U dv XK1217

Scientific Council of Africa

SCA 1965 Lagos Nigeria U gx XE2405
