International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Trade Women of African Heritage

TUWAH 1969 New York NY USA U tx XG6931

Trade, Societies and Sustainable Development Network

SUSTRA Network U dty XF7050

Trades Union Committee for European and Transatlantic Understanding

TUCETU London UK U tx XN2184

Traditions - Musée international des présences religieuses

MIPR 1995 U x XN7426


1984 U d XK0719

Training and Education in Marine Science Programme


Training and Education in Medical Physics and Engineering Reformation in Europe


Training and Research Centre for the Performing Arts

MUDRA International 1970 U d XE1290

Training Centre for European Initiatives

U x XG0078

Training Centre on Environmental Matters for Small Local Authorities in the EEC Mediterranean Countries

1985 U d XE2730

Training Network for Accelerated Development of Food Industry in ASEAN

U tx XF3877

Training Technology and Telematics Interest Group

TIG3 1992 Eindhoven Netherlands U x XF5312

Trait d'union Europe-Afrique

Tuneuraf Brussels Belgium U x XN2047

Trait d'union international

U d XU0718

Traits d'union européens

1983 Saint-Maur France U x XN0973


1976 U d XF8878

Trans Artists

1997 U d XG8901

Trans Atlantic Business Dialogue

TABD 1995 U d XG7266

Trans Atlantic Conference Agreement

TACA 1994 U d XE4741

Trans Atlantic Dialogue on European Broadcasting

London UK U x XG1961

Trans Atlantic Small Business Initiative

TASBI 1996 Washington DC USA U x XG5538

Trans European Airways

TEA Melsbroek Belgium U ex XF5119

Trans European Roma Federation

TERF Colchester UK U x XQ0274

Trans European Rural Network

TERN 1990 U d XF2346

Trans Mediterranean Airways

TMA 1953 Beirut Lebanon U ex XF3073
