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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Pan American Federation of Cheerleading

PFC 2008 Lima Peru D AA0995

Pan American Medical Women's Alliance

PAMWA 1947 Lima Peru D v XD3068

Pan American Surf Association

PASA 1992 Lima Peru D XD4943

Pan American Weightlifting Federation

PAWF 1959 Lima Peru D XD4274

Red Latinoamericana sobre Deuda, Desarrollo y Derechos

LATINDADD Lima Peru D XM3621

Sociedad Interamericana de Filosofia

SIF 1954 Lima Peru D XD1141

Sociedad Panamericana de Oncología Ocular

PAOOS Lima Peru D v AA3887

World Olympians Association

WOA 1995 Lima Peru D XD5268

Acción Internacional por la Salud - Latinoamérica and Caribe

AIS-LAC Lima Peru E XK1818

Andean Council of Foreign Ministers

Lima Peru E g XE3582

Center for Andean Regional Studies 'Bartolomé de Las Casas'

1974 Cusco Peru E XE0833

Centro de Estudios la Mujer en la Historia de América Latina

CEMHAL 1998 Lima Peru E v XE4471

Centro Regional de Sismologia para América del Sur

CERESIS 1966 Lima Peru E g XE0099

Centro Regional para la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de América Latina

CRESPIAL 2006 Cusco Peru E XM6089

Comisión Juridica para el Autodesarrollo de los Pueblos Originarios Andinos

CAPAJ 1993 Tacna Peru E XE2981

Commission of the Andean Community

Lima Peru E g XE3583

Consortio Latinoamericano Contra el Aborto Inseguro

CLACAI 2006 Lima Peru E XJ1243

Federación Latinoamericana de Magistrados

FLAM 1977 Lima Peru E XM4038

FIM Latin America

FIM LA 1975 Lima Peru E XD9184

Institute of Appropriate Technology Transfer to Marginal Sectors of the Andrés Bello Convention

1986 Lima Peru E gj XE5997

International Potato Center

1971 Lima Peru E XE4103

Latin American Baptist Women's Union

1950 Cajamarca Peru E XD8139

Latin American Network on Andean Mountains

INfoAndina 1994 Lima Peru E XE3294

Sodalicio de Vida Cristiana

SCV 1971 Lima Peru E XM6381

United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean

UNLIREC 1987 Lima Peru E g XE1055


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