Peace → Justice
UN Sustainable Development Goals
In its broadest sense, justice is the idea that individuals should be treated fairly. According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, the most plausible candidate for a core definition comes from the Institutes of Justinian, a codification of Roman Law from the sixth century AD, where justice is defined as "the constant and perpetual will to render to each his due".
– syndicated content from Wikipedia
Organizations relating to Justice
International Society for the Reform of Criminal Law / Vancouver BC, Canada / Est. 1987
Conferencia Iberoamericana de Justicia Constitucional / Madrid, Spain / Est. 2005
Inter-American Cooperative Institute / Panama, Panama / Est. 1963
World Association of Judges / Est. 1966
Interagency Panel on Juvenile Justice / Geneva, Switzerland
World Association of Law Professors / Est. 1975
Commission européenne pour l'efficacité de la justice / Strasbourg, France / Est. 2002
World Fair Trade Organization - Africa / Nairobi, Kenya
Institute for Historical Justice and Reconciliation / Leiden, Netherlands / Est. 2004
European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice / Tallinn, Estonia / Est. 2011
International Dialogues Foundation / Est. 1989
Latin American Coordination Table for Fair Trade / Lima, Peru / Est. 2004
Community Court of Justice / Abuja, Nigeria / Est. 1991
Court of Justice of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa / Khartoum, Sudan / Est. 1998
World Order Models Project / Est. 1966
International Islamic Court of Justice / Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
International Association for the History of Crime and Criminal Justice / Dundee, UK / Est. 1978
Caribbean Court of Justice / Port-of-Spain, Trinidad-Tobago / Est. 2001
Cour de justice communautaire de la CEMAC / Ndjamena, Chad
Cour de justice de l'UEMOA / Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Corte Centroamericana de Justicia / Managua, Nicaragua / Est. 1907
Court of Justice of the Andean Community / Quito, Ecuador / Est. 1979
JUSTICIA - European Rights Network / Dublin, Ireland / Est. 2012
Tax Justice Network-Africa / Nairobi, Kenya / Est. 2007
Fondation TerrEspoir / Bussigny, Switzerland / Est. 1996
Justice Africa / London, UK / Est. 1999
Center for Justice and Peacebuilding / Harrisonburg VA, USA
Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization / New York NY, USA / Est. 1967
Jean-Jaurès Foundation / Paris, France / Est. 1992
Arca Foundation / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1952
Institute for Global Justice / Jakarta, Indonesia / Est. 2001
Human Rights Committee / Oslo, Norway / Est. 1989
Alliance for Global Justice / Tucson AZ, USA / Est. 1998
Evatt Foundation / Sydney NSW, Australia / Est. 1979
Just World International / White Plains NY, USA
Carrefour de solidarité internationale / Sherbrooke QC, Canada / Est. 1974
Joan B Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice / San Diego CA, USA / Est. 1998
International Foundation for Fair Trade and Development / Chennai, India / Est. 2000
Careth Foundation / Truckee CA, USA
International Bridges to Justice / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 2000
Catholic Daughters of the Americas / New York NY, USA / Est. 1903
Max Havelaar Foundation / Utrecht, Netherlands / Est. 1988
Trocaire - Catholic Agency for World Development / Kildare, Ireland / Est. 1973
Global Justice / Washington DC, USA
Institute for International Law and Justice / New York NY, USA
Partnership for Global Justice / New York NY, USA
Grassroots Global Justice Alliance / Miami FL, USA / Est. 2005
Global Justice Center / New York NY, USA / Est. 2005
World Connect / New York NY, USA / Est. 2005
Human Rights and Justice Group International / Lagos, Nigeria / Est. 1999
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