Education → Students
Organizations relating to Students
Nordens Konservativa Studentunion / Stockholm, Sweden / Est. 1959
ASEAN Forestry Students Association / Bangkok, Thailand / Est. 1993
European Council for Student Affairs / Vanves, France / Est. 1999
International Students of History Association / Berlin, Germany / Est. 1990
Arab Council for Student Activities / Qena, Egypt
Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2006
Student Network Organization / Est. 1993
International Union of Students / Est. 1946
Student Planning Network / Est. 1998
Asociación Universitaria Iberoamericana de Postgrado / Salamanca, Spain / Est. 1987
Informal Forum of International Student Organizations / Est. 2004
European Athlete Student Network / Ghaxaq, Malta / Est. 2004
Beyond Sciences Initiative / Est. 2013
Central European Exchange Programme for University Students / Vienna, Austria
Otto Benecke Foundation / Bonn, Germany / Est. 1965
African Law Students' Association / Menlo Park, South Africa / Est. 2000
Australasian Union of Jewish Students / Sydney NSW, Australia / Est. 1948
International Students / Colorado Springs CO, USA / Est. 1953
International Federation of Former Iberoamerican Students of the INAP / Madrid, Spain / Est. 1984
International Alliance of Iranian Students
Foundation for Worldwide International Student Exchange / Dyersburg TN, USA / Est. 1990
Rui Foundation / Rome, Italy / Est. 1959
General Union of Students of West Africa
International Confederation of Students / Est. 1919
Association européenne des étudiants de la défense
Confederación Iberoamericana de Estudiantes Católicos / Est. 1933
Congrès international des étudiants de l'Amérique centrale / Est. 1910
Disarmament Committee of the Student International Organizations
International Students' Bureau / Est. 1919
European Sociology Students' Association / Est. 2001
International Federation of Students in Political Sciences / Est. 1959
Studenta Tutmonda Esperanto-Ligo
European Community of Students of Economics / Est. 1960
World Student Committee Against War and Fascism / Est. 1934
General Union of Arab Students / Damascus, Syrian AR / Est. 1976
Conference of European Engineering Students' Associations / Est. 1964
International Student Theatre Union / Est. 1962
Student Movement for African Unity
International Federation of National Associations of Engineering Students / Est. 1963
Student Movement of the Afro-Malagasy Common Organization / Est. 1967
West African Students Confederation / Est. 1963
International Student Federation 'Corda Fratres' / Est. 1898
Union of European Student Associations / Est. 1962
International Union of Students in Architecture / Est. 1963
International Agricultural Students Association of the Americas
International Federation of Law Students / Est. 1962
International Student Organization / New York NY, USA / Est. 1958
Westslawistische Studentenkonferenz
Informal Consultative Meeting of Regional and International Students Structures
Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Students' Research in Tourism
View all profiles (468 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Students
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialInappropriate school lunches
Competitiveness in education
Disruptive migration of trained personnel
Drug abuse by adolescents
Discrimination against adult students
Inadequate educational facilities for gifted children
Maldistribution of teachers
Functional illiteracy
Denial of education to minorities
Class discrimination in education
Mental illness in children
Adverse childhood experiences
Student revolt
Corporal punishment in schools
Denial of rights to students
Campus romance
Commercial exploitation of education
Excessive student-teacher ratio
Intimidation in educational institutions
Student absenteeism
Juvenile suicide
Action Strategies relating to Students
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialManaging student stress
Teaching exceptional children
Improving teacher/student ratio
Designing sustainable development programmes with school staff and students
Reducing illegal research assistance for students
Organizing student conferences
Student radicalism
Teaching science
Designing sustainable development programmes with school staff and students
Assuring consistent pupil presence
Providing student meeting place
Preparing new primary students
Student revolt
Providing financial aid to students
Engaging in student revolution
Segregating students
Focusing student attention
Quieting student unrest
Researching anti-social behaviour of university students
Respecting student's rights
Encouraging students
Supporting economically disadvantaged students
Integrating students
Increasing student mobility
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