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Commerce → Conditions of Trade

UN Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality

Organizations relating to Conditions of Trade

Association of European Competition Law Judges / London, UK / Est. 2001
TradeMark East Africa / Nairobi, Kenya
Consejo Iberoamericano para la Productividad y la Competitividad / Madrid, Spain / Est. 2015
Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States/Competitive Business Unit / Roseau, Dominica / Est. 1997
CARICOM Competition Commission / Paramaribo, Suriname
Initiative for a Competitive Online Marketplace
Group of Three / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1990
Greater Arab Free-Trade Area / Cairo, Egypt / Est. 1998
Baltic Management Foundation / Kaunas, Lithuania / Est. 1992
South Asian Free Trade Area / Kathmandu, Nepal / Est. 2001
Northern Triangle
Opportunity International / Chicago IL, USA / Est. 1979
ASEAN Free Trade Area / Jakarta, Indonesia / Est. 1992
Eastern Caribbean Telecommunications Authority / Castries, St Lucia
Inter-American Competitiveness Network / Est. 2009
African Competition Forum / Pretoria, South Africa / Est. 2011
Red Latinoamericana Contra el Libre Comercio / Puerto Ayacucho, Venezuela
Centro Latinoamericano para la Competitividad y el Desarrollo Sostenible / Guatemala, Guatemala
African Growth and Opportunity Act / Est. 2000
Global Competitiveness Empowerment Forum / Seoul, Korea Rep / Est. 2008
Inter-State Council for Anti-Monopoly Policies of the Commonwealth of Independent States / Minsk, Belarus
Comité international des congrès internationaux du libre-échange / Est. 1908
Caribbean Free Trade Association / Est. 1965
Association of Free Trade Zones of Latin America and the Caribbean / Cartagena de Indias, Colombia / Est. 1987
European Steel Cartel / Est. 1935
International Tube Cartel / Est. 1926
Baltic Free Trade Area / Est. 1994
Canada - Central America Four Free Trade Agreement
Black Sea Economic Cooperation Free Trade Area / Est. 1997
Trans-Atlantic free trade agreement / Est. 1994
Euro-Mediterranean Free-Trade Area
Tony Elumelu Foundation / Lagos, Nigeria / Est. 2010
Proyectos de Innovación IBEROEKA / Madrid, Spain / Est. 1991
Grupo Mercado Común del MERCOSUR / Buenos Aires, Argentina
International Flying Dutchman Class Organization / Bad Münder, Germany / Est. 1952
Asia Competitiveness Institute / Singapore, Singapore / Est. 2006
Amendments to the Protocol for the Prevention of Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by Dumping from Ships and Aircraft / Est. 1995
Baltic Free Trade Agreement / Est. 1993
Convention for the Establishment of Free Trade, 1911 / Est. 1911
Protocol for the Prevention of Pollution of the South Pacific Region by Dumping / Apia, Samoa / Est. 1986
Multilateral Agreement on the Liberalization of International Air Transportation / Est. 2001
Convention for the Establishment of Free Trade, 1923 / Est. 1923
Protocol on the Protection of the Black Sea Marine Environment Against Pollution by Dumping / Istanbul, Türkiye / Est. 1992
US-Central American Free Trade Agreement / Washington DC, USA / Est. 2004
Multilateral Treaty on Free Trade and Central American Economic Integration / Est. 1958
Third Protocol to the General Treaty of Central American Economic Integration to Guarantee Free Trade in Paper and Glass Containers / Est. 1966
EU - South Africa Free Trade Agreement / Est. 1999
Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping from Ships and Aircraft / Est. 1972
Protocol Amending the Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping from Ships and Aircraft / Est. 1983
Protocol to the General Treaty of Central American Economic Integration - List of Merchandise Subject to Temporary Exceptions to the Free Trade between Costa Rica and Each of the other Member States / Est. 1962

View all profiles (181 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Conditions of Trade

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Excessive environmental protectionism
Foreign exchange monopoly
Competition between reason and faith
Unbridled economic competition
Protectionism in agriculture and the food production industries
Corporate control of genetic material
Trade barriers against developing countries
Protectionism in the textile and apparel industries
Restrictive trade practices
State-monopoly capitalism
Illegal exports of nuclear materials
Illicit discharge of dangerous substances
Rebate cartels
Distortion of international trade by discriminatory application of antidumping regulations
Collusive tendering in international trade
Protectionism in the air transportation industry
Unpredictable barriers to trade
Monopolistic activity by transnational enterprises
Decline in commercial competition due to entrance barriers
Unbridled competition among intergovernmental organizations for scarce resources
Insurance monopolies in capitalist countries
Protectionism against imports of service-related goods
Protectionism in the insurance industry
Aerospace monopolies

Action Strategies relating to Conditions of Trade

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Monitoring dumping
Advocating free access to telecommunication networks
Liberalizing trade
Identifying competition
Reducing measures supporting uncompetitive production
Dumping agricultural goods
Establishing environmentally sound land-based waste disposal alternatives to sea dumping
Strengthening anti-trust laws
Creating free trade zones
Stopping ocean dumping
Instituting compulsory competitive tendering
Using protectionism
Justifying selective protectionism
Fostering competition
Preventing monopolization of gene patents of organisms
Mobilizing domestic interests against protectionism
Strengthening technological competition
Strengthening monopoly
Prohibiting dumping
Nationalizing liquor production
Reducing protectionism in clothing and textiles
Evaluating effects of world trade agreements on trade defence instruments
Preventing monopolistic and anti-competitive practices on the internet

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