Commerce → Finance
Finance refers to monetary resources and to the study and discipline of money, currency, assets and liabilities. As a subject of study, it is related to but distinct from economics, which is the study of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Based on the scope of financial activities in financial systems, the discipline can be divided into personal, corporate, and public finance.
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Organizations relating to Finance
Natural Capital Coalition / London, UK / Est. 2012
Association for the Taxation of Financial Transactions for the Aid of Citizens / Paris, France / Est. 1998
European Intelligent Cash Protection Association / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2005
Association of African Development Finance Institutions / Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire / Est. 1975
Association of Special Fares Agents / Sofia, Bulgaria / Est. 1986
Public Budget International Association / Buenos Aires, Argentina / Est. 1973
European Financial Markets Federation / Est. 2005
Red/Consejo Iberoamericano de Donación y Trasplante / Madrid, Spain / Est. 2005
Association for Financial Markets in Europe / London, UK / Est. 2009
MENA Private Equity Association
African Accounting and Finance Association / Jos, Nigeria / Est. 2010
Global Equity Organization / Orange CA, USA / Est. 1999
United Nations Global Programme Against Money Laundering, Proceeds of Crime and the Financing of Terrorism / Vienna, Austria / Est. 1997
Arab Committee on Banking Supervision / Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates / Est. 1991
Pacific Financial Technical Assistance Centre / Suva, Fiji / Est. 1993
Latin American Committee on Macroeconomic and Financial Issues / Washington DC, USA / Est. 2000
International Banking Summer School / Mumbai, India / Est. 1948
International Monetary and Financial Committee / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1974
Joint Forum / Basel, Switzerland / Est. 1996
Council of Arab Central Banks and Monetary Agencies' Governors / Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Association of National Development Finance Institutions in Member Countries of the Islamic Development Bank / Istanbul, Türkiye / Est. 1986
West African Institute for Financial and Economic Management / Lagos, Nigeria / Est. 1996
Bretton Woods Institutions
United Nations Trusteeship Council / New York NY, USA
ASEAN Plus Three Financial Grouping / Jakarta, Indonesia / Est. 1997
ICC Financial Investigation Bureau / London, UK / Est. 1992
Women's Working Group on Financing for Development / Quezon City, Philippines / Est. 2007
European Shadow Financial Regulatory Committee / Tilburg, Netherlands
Islamic Research and Training Institute, Jeddah / Jeddah, Saudi Arabia / Est. 1981
Nordic Children's and Youth Committee / Copenhagen, Denmark / Est. 1976
Commission bancaire de l'Afrique centrale / Yaoundé, Cameroon / Est. 1990
Asian Development Bank Staff Association and Staff Council / Manila, Philippines / Est. 1975
Committee of Central Bank Governors in the Southern African Development Community / Pretoria, South Africa / Est. 1995
Baltic Organisations' Network for Funding Science EEIG / Est. 2007
Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1974
Global Clearinghouse for Development Finance / Stanfordville NY, USA / Est. 2002
NGO Committee on Financing for Development, New York / Belleville IL, USA
European Banking Authority / Paris La Défense, France / Est. 2011
Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative / Washington DC, USA / Est. 2007
Global Partnership for Results-Based Approaches / Washington DC, USA / Est. 2003
International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity / New York NY, USA / Est. 2015
Caribbean Group of Banking Supervisors / Est. 1983
Council of Arab Ministers of Finance / Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
VisionFund International / London, UK
Partnership for Responsible Financial Inclusion / Washington DC, USA / Est. 2011
EUROFIMA European Company for the Financing of Railroad Rolling Stock / Basel, Switzerland / Est. 1956
International Investment Bank / Moscow, Russia / Est. 1970
Research in International Economics and Finance Network / Paris, France / Est. 2004
Global Network for Banking Innovation in Microfinance / New York NY, USA / Est. 2001
International Banking Study Institute / Est. 1951
View all profiles (1187 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Finance
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialDecline in government expenditure
Bankruptcy of countries
Lack of financial control
Limited market development
Lack of funding structures
High interest rates
Inappropriate public spending by government
Shortage of funds for research
Unstrategic funding requests
Unethical practices of government
Decline in government social expenditure
Decline in government health expenditure
Prohibitive administrative overhead costs for aid
Complexity of monetarized economies
Government financing tied to exploitation of non-renewable resources
Intergovernmental failure to fulfil financial commitments
Unethical practices relating to development
Manipulation of transfer prices by transnational corporations
Excessive governmental spending
Social hardships of economic reform
Inadequate mechanism for the creation of liquid reserves
Inadequacies of the international monetary system
Global shortage of funds
Government budget deficits
Chemical warfare
Action Strategies relating to Finance
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialCapitalizing
Subsidizing declining industries
Financing sustainable development by reducing incremental resource requirements
Facilitating international investment
Subsidizing contraceptives
Advertising to raise funds
Assessing development assistance
Improving literacy for women
Investing in environmental conservation
Providing affordable loans to women
Funding small scale farming
Training in international finance
Subsidizing pollution control
Protesting unsound public spending
Reforming budgetary practices
Government financing of nongovernmental organizations
Conduct fundraising campaign
Designating responsibility for financial resource development
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