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Communication → Newspapers, Newsreels

Organizations relating to Newspapers, Newsreels

Grupo de Diarios América / Miami FL, USA / Est. 1991
Society for News Design / Alexandria VA, USA / Est. 1979
Fédération européenne de la presse gratuite / Est. 1980
Inter-American Federation of Working Newspapermen's Organizations / Est. 1960
Agreement Concerning Subscriptions to Newspapers and Periodicals, 1952 / Est. 1952
Agreement Concerning Subscriptions to Newspapers and Periodicals, 1964 / Est. 1964
Agreement Concerning Subscriptions to Newspapers and Periodicals, 1969 / Est. 1969
Agreement Concerning Subscriptions to Newspapers and Periodicals, 1957 / Est. 1957
Subscriptions to Newspapers and Periodicals Agreement / Est. 1984
International Newspaper Collector's Club / Phoenix AZ, USA / Est. 1950
Latin American Business Newspapers Network / Est. 1995
Association of Newsprint Manufacturers in the EEC
Red de Diarios de América Latina para una Cultura de la Paz
International Newspaper Group / Jackson NJ, USA / Est. 1972
International Newspaper Museum / Aachen, Germany / Est. 1886
Council of Third World Newspapers
Central American Newspapers' Association
Asociación Técnica de Diarios Latinoamericanos / Est. 1983
Pacific Area Newspaper Publishers Association / Est. 1969
Pressothèque de langue française / Paris, France / Est. 1950
Fédération internationale des bureaux d'extraits de presse / Vienna, Austria / Est. 1953
Nordiska Tidningsutgivarnas Samarbetsnämnd / Helsinki, Finland / Est. 1935
World Association of News Publishers / Paris, France / Est. 2009
International News Media Association / Dallas TX, USA / Est. 1930
European Newspaper Publishers' Association / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1960
European Association of Daily Newspapers in Minority and Regional Languages / Bolzano, Italy / Est. 2001

View all profiles (45 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Newspapers, Newsreels

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Waste paper
Newspaper and periodical censorship
Newspaper and journal propaganda
Newspaper monopoly
Foreign controls of newspaper and journal propaganda

Action Strategies relating to Newspapers, Newsreels

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Publishing newsletter
Distributing community news bulletin
Publishing globally common newspaper
Publishing newspapers
Reducing foreign controls of newspaper and journal propaganda
Banning newspaper

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