Amenities → Urban
Organizations relating to Urban
Council for European Urbanism / Est. 2003
Association pour la promotion de l'enseignement et de la recherche en aménagement et urbanisme / Est. 1984
European Association of Urban Missions / Cesky Tesin, Czechia
Federación Iberoamericana Urbanistas / Barcelona, Spain / Est. 2010
International Research Group on Law and Urban Space / Mexico City, Mexico / Est. 1996
Regional Centre on Urban Water Management, Teheran / Teheran, Iran Islamic Rep / Est. 2002
CIVITAS / Szentendre, Hungary / Est. 2002
Salzburg Congress on Urban Planning and Development / The Hague, Netherlands / Est. 1965
Sustainable Project Management- Public-Private Partnerships for the Urban Environment / Rougemont, Switzerland / Est. 1994
International Seminar on Urban Form / Auckland, New Zealand / Est. 1996
Regional Network Office for Urban Safety / Pathum Thani, Thailand / Est. 2002
Network on Urban Research in the European Union / Duisburg, Germany / Est. 1989
Foro Latinoamericano para la Seguridad Urbana y la Democracia / Est. 2001
Urban Biodiversity and Design / Est. 2008
International Forum on Urbanism / Delft, Netherlands
NewCities Foundation / Montréal QC, Canada / Est. 2010
European Centre on Urban Risks / Lisbon, Portugal / Est. 1998
Development Planning Unit / London, UK / Est. 1971
European Academy of the Urban Environment, Berlin / Berlin, Germany / Est. 1991
Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor / London, UK / Est. 2004
Centro de Estudios Urbanos y Regionales / Buenos Aires, Argentina
Institut africain de gestion urbaine / Dakar, Senegal / Est. 1987
Istituto di Studi sul Mediterraneo / Naples, Italy / Est. 1981
International Institute for the Urban Environment / Delft, Netherlands / Est. 1989
Regional Centre on Urban Water Management / Cali, Colombia
European Institute of Urban Affairs, Liverpool / Liverpool, UK
African Foundation for Urban Management / Dakar, Senegal
International Centre for Urban Safety Engineering / Tokyo, Japan / Est. 2001
Center for Urban History of East Central Europe / Lviv, Ukraine / Est. 2004
European Network for Housing and Urban Development / Est. 2016
International Association for Urban and Regional Research and Education
Urban Knowledge Network Asia / Leiden, Netherlands / Est. 2016
Fundación Latinoamericana de Transporte Público y Urbano
Community Learning Centres / Bangkok, Thailand / Est. 1993
European Institute for Comparative Urban Research / Leuven, Belgium / Est. 1990
International Research Network on Urbanism / Delft, Netherlands
International Ambiances Network / Grenoble, France / Est. 2008
Urbanistes du Monde / Lyon, France / Est. 2005
Urban History Association / Glenside PA, USA
European Urban Charter / Est. 1992
Foro Latinoamericano de Alcaldes para la Seguridad Ciudadana / Córdoba, Argentina
Cities for Cyclists / Est. 1991
European Centre for Research and Accessibility Promotion / Trento, Italy
EURFORUM / Est. 2006
International Urban Action Fund against Drugs / Est. 1992
International Association for Urban Planning and Design
International Association for Housing and Urbanism
Council for International Urban Liaison / Est. 1976
Sustainable Urban Development Network / Est. 1990
Global Urban Development Network / Forest Hills NY, USA
View all profiles (251 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Urban
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialInformal sector
Disruptive rural to urban migration
Urban road traffic congestion
Uncontrolled urban development
Urban unemployment
Urban slums
Urban-industrial air pollution
Threatened urban trees
Inhibition of exploration by children of urban environment
Inaccessibility of health services
Non-epidemic typhus
Shortage of urban land
Absentee ownership
Defective municipal water delivery equipment
Imbalance between urbanization and industrialization
Unattractive pedestrian environments in urban areas
Single-use urban areas
Maldistribution of urban shopping facilities
Unbalanced urban population density gradients
Urban psychosis
Segregation of poor and minority population in urban ghettos
Urban fires
Discrimination against rural women
Inadequate health care in urban slums
Action Strategies relating to Urban
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialImplementing urban innovations
Providing loans for urban development
Providing training for urban environmental health workers
Managing urban environmental problems
Managing urban wastes
Creating sustainable cities
Facilitating urban regeneration
Compiling directory of urban research
Researching urban development
Undertaking pilot projects to improve urban data collection and management systems
Assessing costs and financing to improve urban health
Training urban staff on environmentally sound management of urban development
Assessing urban energy production and consumption patterns
Improving urban institutional arrangements and cooperation
Strengthening education on urban energy and transportation services
Developing air pollution control technology for urban industry and transportation
Improving urban transport
Providing training to staff in the urban energy and transportation services
Implementing urban air pollution programmes
Providing safe urban cycleways and footpaths
Recovering costs of urban infrastructure and services to high income areas
Using integrated approaches to environmental infrastructure in informal settlements
Improving shelter for urban poor
Preventing urban crime
Integrating urban land use and transportation planning
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