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Organizations relating to Rural

Association pour les universités rurales européennes / Vila Velha de Ródão, Portugal / Est. 1988
Asian Rural Sociology Association / Santa Cruz, Philippines / Est. 1992
Centre technique de coopération agricole et rurale / Est. 1983
International Institute of Rural Reconstruction / New York NY, USA / Est. 1960
Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania / Chania, Greece / Est. 1983
European Conference on Agriculture and Rural Development in China / Delft, Netherlands
South Eastern Europe Regional Rural Development Standing Working Group / Skopje, North Macedonia / Est. 2005
Ruralter Platform / Nogent-sur-Marne, France
Rural Tourism International - Training Network / Est. 2005
International Forum for Rural Transport and Development / Nairobi, Kenya / Est. 1992
Fondation internationale Olympafrica / Dakar, Senegal / Est. 1993
Caribbean Network for Integrated Rural Development / Tunapuna, Trinidad-Tobago / Est. 1988
International Rural Network / Est. 2001
West Africa Rural Foundation / Dakar, Senegal / Est. 1993
Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Organizaciones del Campo / Managua, Nicaragua
Association for European Rural Universities / Vila Velha de Ródão, Portugal / Est. 1989
Inter-State School of Hydraulic and Rural Engineering for Senior Technicians / Est. 1972
Red de Instituciones Vinculadas a la Capacitación en Economia y Politicas Agricolas en América Latina y el Caribe / Rio de Janeiro, Brazil / Est. 1993
Rural Investment Support for Europe Foundation / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2006
UNESCO International Research and Training Centre for Rural Education / Baoding, China / Est. 1994
Institute of Tropics and Subtropics, Prague / Prague, Czechia / Est. 1961
African Development Programme / Accra, Ghana / Est. 1993
Landesa - Rural Development Institute / Seattle WA, USA / Est. 1967
Institute for Sustainable Rural Development Foundation / Bicol Bioregion, Philippines / Est. 1989
Centre for Research on Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development / Chennai, India / Est. 1988
Centro de Estudios Rurales y de Agricultura Internacional / Valencia, Spain / Est. 1994
Fondation pour l'agriculture et la ruralité dans le monde / Montrouge, France / Est. 2004
Rural Foundation for the Development of the Third World / Rufisque, Senegal
Andean Institute of Ecology and Development / Cusco, Peru
Rural Sociological Society / Columbia MO, USA / Est. 1937
Inter-réseaux Développement rural / Paris, France / Est. 1996
Centre for International Rural Development, Kassel / Witzenhausen, Germany / Est. 1994
Internasjonalt Folkehøgskole-Engasjement i Den Tredje Verda / Oslo, Norway
Santé Sud / Marseille, France / Est. 1984
Technology and Action for Rural Advancement / Delhi, India / Est. 1985
Fondation des maisons familiales rurales dans le monde / Paris, France
Rural Integrated Development Program of Africa / Coon Rapids MN, USA / Est. 1998
Plunkett Foundation / Oxford, UK / Est. 1919
Internationaler Ländlicher Entwicklungsdienst / Bad Honnef, Germany / Est. 1988
CitiHope International / Andes NY, USA / Est. 1985
READ Global / San Francisco CA, USA / Est. 1991
Root Capital / Cambridge MA, USA / Est. 1999
Rural Development Foundation Global / London, UK / Est. 2006
Inter-American Rural Housing Association
Association européenne de formation paysanne et rurale / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1990
International Centre of Rural Broadcasting / Est. 1936
Union internationale pour l'enseignement des populations rurales par des projections lumineuses scientifiques / Est. 1927
Eastern and Southern Africa Association of Agricultural Economists / Est. 1967
Caribbean Organization for Rural Development and Education
International Organization for Rural Development / Est. 1969

View all profiles (401 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Rural

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Lack of skilled manpower in rural areas
Rural poverty
Disruptive rural to urban migration
Unavailability of trained teachers in rural areas
Decline in rural customs and traditions
Discrimination against rural women
Middleman control of rural marketing
Rival claims for conservation land
Prohibitive cost of necessities in rural communities
Structural failure of integrated rural development
Subsistence agricultural income level in rural communities
Geographically isolated settlements
Inaccessibility of health services
Subsistence approach to capital resources
Unsystematic use of powerful relationships by rural communities
Rural unemployment
Destruction of rural subsistence economy
Rural underdevelopment
Rural-urban income differential
Destruction of wilderness
Lack of sanitation in rural areas
Prohibitive cost of basic services
Restricted delivery of essential services to rural communities
Inadequate small-town business skills
Inadequate transportation facilities for rural communities

Action Strategies relating to Rural

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Improving skill base of rural women
Training in rural development
Providing rural education
Promoting interests of rural youth
Advancing integrated rural development
Promoting study of rural social sciences
Linking shelter and rural development
Improving employment of rural women
Delegating land resource management responsibilities to rural organizations
Improving rural health
Managing water resources for sustainable rural development
Promoting non-agricultural production in rural areas
Strengthening local capacity to adapt appropriate technologies
Protecting property rights in rural areas
Forming rural electricity cooperatives
Improving rural markets
Facilitating shift from rural to urban lifestyles and settlement patterns
Providing public information on rural energy problems
Collecting data on rural energy supply patterns
Exchanging experience on rural energy technologies
Providing logistics support for outreach programmes especially in rural areas
Using audiovisual methods to increase awareness of environmental issues in rural areas
Conducting research on participatory approaches to rural development planning
Aiding rural reconstruction
Strengthening community based rehabilitation for the handicapped in rural areas

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