Amenities → Settlements
Organizations relating to Settlements
Environmental Management Group / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 2001
Global Parliamentarians on Habitat / Est. 1987
Company for Habitat and Housing in Africa / Nairobi, Kenya / Est. 1982
Settlements Information Network Africa / Nairobi, Kenya / Est. 1982
International Association for Humane Habitat / Mumbai, India / Est. 2000
Cetacean Society International / Georgetown CT, USA / Est. 1974
Fundación para la Conservación de la Biodiversidad y su Habitat / Madrid, Spain
Central American Council on Housing and Human Settlements / La Libertad, El Salvador / Est. 1992
United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation / Est. 1975
United Nations Regional Centre for Research on Human Settlements / Est. 1955
International Association of Settlements / Est. 1922
Commonwealth Consultative Group on Human Settlement / Est. 1997
Pan African Association on Human Settlements / Est. 1979
Protocol Relative to the Abolition of the System of Foreign Settlements at Chosen / Est. 1913
Convention for the Pacific Settlements of International Conflicts, 1899 / Est. 1899
Forum of Researchers on Human Settlements / Rome, Italy
Institut européen de droit et d'économie de l'habitat
Global Urban Observatory Network / Nairobi, Kenya
ASEAN Association for Planning and Housing / Kajang, Malaysia / Est. 1979
ESCAP/UNCHS Joint Unit on Human Settlements / Est. 1985
United Nations Commission on Human Settlements / Est. 1977
Building Habitat and Urban Management International / Eindhoven, Netherlands
IULA African Union of Local Authorities / Est. 1984
Joint Intergovernmental Regional Committee on Human Settlements and Environment
Shanghai International Settlement / Est. 1863
Union internationale pour le développement de l'habitat
Asian Human Settlements Bank
Latin American Housing and Human Settlements Development Organization / Est. 1984
Asociación Habitat Pro / Lima, Peru / Est. 2002
Ibero-American and Caribbean Forum of Best Practices / Madrid, Spain / Est. 1997
Orangutan Foundation International / Los Angeles CA, USA / Est. 1986
Réseau habitat et francophonie / Paris, France / Est. 1987
Lund Centre for Habitat Studies / Est. 1979
Athens Center of Ekistics / Est. 1963
World Society for Ekistics / Pune, India / Est. 1963
Global Forum on Human Settlements / New York NY, USA
United Nations Human Settlements Programme / Nairobi, Kenya / Est. 1978
Bank for International Settlements / Basel, Switzerland / Est. 1930
RURALIA / Vienna, Austria / Est. 1995
International Children's Trust / Coventry, UK / Est. 1967
International Society for the Study of Vernacular Settlements / Melbourne VIC, Australia / Est. 1999
Habitat International Coalition / Cape Town, South Africa / Est. 1976
World Habitat / Leicester, UK / Est. 1976
Eastern Regional Organization for Planning and Human Settlements / Putrajaya, Malaysia / Est. 1958
Regional Network of Local Authorities for the Management of Human Settlements / Seoul, Korea Rep / Est. 1987
Habitat for Humanity International / Atlanta GA, USA / Est. 1976
View all profiles (76 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Settlements
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialSimplification of habitat
Urban slums
Threatened mangrove wetland habitats
Threatened dwarf-shrubland habitats
Threatened habitats of bare sand
Degradation of flora and fauna habitats
Fragmentation of natural habitat
Destruction of wildlife habitats
Physical insecurity of refugees and asylum-seekers
Geographically isolated settlements
Impermanent living conditions
Threatened marine coastal habitats
Threatened xeromorphic shrubland habitats
Threatened shrubland habitats
Endangered habitats of Cape floral kingdom
Lack of sanitation in cities
Action Strategies relating to Settlements
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialBuilding ecological communities
Producing declaration on habitat preservation
Conserving wildlife habitat
Settling international disputes
Monitoring critical habitat status
Protecting wetland ecosystems
Facilitating urban regeneration
Improving human settlements
Assessing costs to strengthen settlements planning in disaster-prone areas
Reducing harmful impacts of human settlements in coastal zones
Assessing progress on participation of women in settlements development
Using integrated approaches to environmental infrastructure in informal settlements
Improving human settlement management
Assessing multi-hazard risks of settlements
Designing using ekistics
Assessing costs to improve human settlements planning
Implementing global strategy for shelter
Upgrading settlements and urban slums
Ensuring sustainable energy in human settlements
Assessing costs and financing to improve human settlements management
Incorporating sewage disposal in development plans for coastal settlements
Integrating disaster prevention into development planning
Using ecosystem approach for settlement planning
Providing environmental infrastructure for human settlements
Assessing costs and financing to ensure sustainable human settlements
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