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Medicine → Locomotive, Integumentary System

Organizations relating to Locomotive, Integumentary System

Pan Arab Orthopaedic Association / Cairo, Egypt / Est. 1993
Asian Shoulder Association
International Society of Motor Control / Est. 2002
Connective Tissue Oncology Society / Alexandria VA, USA / Est. 1995
Asian Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand / Coimbatore, India / Est. 1997
International Society of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions / Berlin, Germany / Est. 1999
International Bobath Instructors Training Association / Est. 1984
European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology / Vienna, Austria / Est. 1993
European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society / Rolle, Switzerland / Est. 1982
Sociedad Latinoamericana de Paraplejia / Sao Paulo, Brazil / Est. 1994
Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association / Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / Est. 1962
International Federation of Facial Plastic Surgery Societies / Alexandria VA, USA / Est. 1998
Federación Sudamericana de Sociedades de Cirugia de Cabeza y Cuello
European Society of Craniofacial Surgery / Rotterdam, Netherlands / Est. 1984
Asia Pacific Federation for Societies for Hand Therapy / Ottawa ON, Canada
Federation of Orthopaedic Trainees in Europe / Est. 2005
FSHD Europe / Baarn, Netherlands / Est. 2010
European Society for Shoulder and Elbow Rehabilitation / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 2008
International Elbow Working Group / Utrecht, Netherlands / Est. 1989
International Patellofemoral Study Group / Morgantown WV, USA / Est. 1995
Asia Pacific Knee Society / Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / Est. 1987
International Shoulder Group / Waterloo ON, Canada / Est. 1989
Association des orthopédistes de langue française / Est. 1986
World Orthopaedic Concern / Est. 1975
AO Foundation / Davos, Switzerland / Est. 1958
International Society for Facial Expression / Geneva, Switzerland
Collège international d'étude de la statique / Bandol, France / Est. 1985
Australasian Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery / Est. 1990
International Chinese Musculoskeletal Research Society / Chengdu, China / Est. 1994
Hand in Hand tegen Racisme / Antwerp, Belgium
Manos Unidas / Madrid, Spain / Est. 1960
Muslim Hands / Nottingham, UK / Est. 1993
Baltic States Head and Neck Oncology Association / Raudondvaris, Lithuania / Est. 2017
European Association of Podologists / Est. 1985
Ligue internationale pour la sauvegarde de la main
Société européenne de la tête et du cou
Union européenne pour la technopédie, l'orthopédie et la réadaptation / Est. 1971
European Society of Foot and Ankle Surgeons / Est. 1993
European Association for the Promotion of Hand Hygiene / Est. 1983
Nordisk Paediatrisk Ortopaedisk Federation / Halmstad, Sweden
Association européenne des centres de rééducation fonctionnelle et de formation professionnelle d'orthopédie de précision et de haute botterie pour jeunes handicapés physiques / Est. 1977
Sociedad Sudamericana de Cirugia de la Mano
European Society of Head and Neck Reconstructive Surgeons
Nordisk Förening för Podologi
International Society for Orthopedagogics / Est. 1935
International Mediterranean Society of Orthopedic Surgery
About Face / Toronto ON, Canada / Est. 1985
International Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Foundation / Lakeville MA, USA / Est. 1990
Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood Foundation / Livonia MI, USA / Est. 1993
Healing Hands International / Nashville TN, USA / Est. 1993

View all profiles (275 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Locomotive, Integumentary System

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Physical unfitness
Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
Guillain-Barré syndrome
Cleft palate
Vitamin D deficiency
Duchenne's muscular dystrophy
Dangerous unconfirmed species
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
Brachial plexus injuries
Motor skills disorder
Slowness of sensori-motor activities in the aged
Myotonic dystrophy
Parson's knee
Cranio-facial defects
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
Velo-cardio facial syndrome
Transverse myelitis
Gait disturbances due to torture

Action Strategies relating to Locomotive, Integumentary System

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Kissing hands
Overcoming disability of the foot
Relieving paralysis
Using local knowledge in planning agricultural industries
Covering the face
Amputating limbs
Researching easily operated and maintained hand-held farming equipment
Laying on of hands
Manipulating deportment
Improving foot travel network
Constructing useful wood products
Providing symbolic head for governing body
Empowering administrative director
Updating vocations
Treating emotional paralysis
Relieving government paralysis
Relieving air traffic paralysis
Relieving paralysis of social response
Relieving democratic government paralysis
Relieving paralysis in individual decision-making
Relieving decisional paralysis of specialized services in relation to the world's need
Rehabilitating those with spinal paralysis
Advocating resistance in the face of aggression
Addressing governmental resistance in response to problems
Speeding-up international growth of economic output

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